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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. nothing burger sweetie. move out the midwest and go to a coast motherfucker.lose the super troopers mustache you obv got going on. rape a 17 year old blonde girl and become a MAN.
  2. What happened September 28th in relevance to Nike? Why does a stock Plummet like hell like that? Just curious do we all ever know why a stock tanks or not. I just know lately everything's been sanking, thanks to Donald Jr. And that's cool. Maybe I should buy some nike and amd stocks now.
  3. already fucking wrote that. still fucking asking. told you I have gift card money there. It's like you can't comprehend what's important to .. me,or anyone but you, but most importantly the person asking the question.
  4. Yeap. I figured. I might try a shitty hemp thing first. And if they like it, move up to one you recommended.
  5. thanks. Any decent ones on amazon? Or any idea if they're fake or real? I'd really appreciate a look. I have gift card money on there..
  6. that ain't bullshit? You may be the right one. Are any of them on AMAZON legit? They can't sell CBD as far as I know. And... is the best hemp oil comparable to some CBD? Are you sure you've tried both? and,do they REPUTABLY keep the THC content low 0.03% even in ''full spectrum CBD oil"products? Honestly when you search FSCBD shit just gets more expensive. Where do you get your stuff?
  7. I didn't. MN won the blue vote.I voted for Bernie which was neccessary and close. Didn't vote Obama cuz he won anyways and fuck. stop hacking me. Seriously tho I think this hemp oils on amazon thing is a chinese scam. There are so many, and I think there's hundreds of fake reviews.. All placebo. But I have a friend who wants to try it. Birthday gift. what should I get?
  8. I'm in GOfuckyouville. It's bordering YOUCREEP and DUDEREALLY
  9. no unfortunately i'm not. US. And I'm not trying to get HIGH on hemp or cbd oil. sleep anxiety depression, not a scam. It's not even for me.
  10. everything was actually fine with that, and cool, and risky, but poignant (I wonder who made it? such a thought risker! ), except I'm sure there are some REAL women mad at the thought that any men are being taught to stop hitting on them. I'm just gonna keep my mouth shut lol. "Hey Sweetie??"from a model? makeitstopsaysnogirl men LEARN to become men and what society tells you is not always what's really going on in the underbelly. If I were YOU, trust your own sight and experiment as a man. And yes, be wary of pansy shit. There is pansy shit in that commercial. Still I
  11. are they bullshit? do they get a bunch of fake buyers to drive up reviews? Anyone already try some from amazon? What's good? I need drugs... for other people in my life.
  12. true. simple though. why nather decimels/ I guess it made it fun to compare and rage-war about it. We really all don't do that anymore.
  13. golden eye, zooie tooie, perfect dark, OoT, the Nintendo 64 in general. SM64. I love 7 and 9 though. I really love 9. And 10. And 12 was fun for the gameplay alone. 13: Lightning Returns was the only JRPG last gen worth a damn. hmm..
  14. kokujin


    :0* lazy butt. alphonse did it (merged the two e-mails) in 6 seconds. You made me think it was difficult. lawl. Oh wells.
  15. bro 3 references to Leon's ass. You may be telling us something. as for brightness, I didn't quite understand the set-up for it. I may have put it too dark. Will carefully do so later. I got an amazon refund today for $45! gift cards baby
  16. kokujin


    okay (x2), I found a way. Thanks @Cookester15 (sarcasm. he did nothing. he always done nothing. probably off shooting his gov ordered noreweigen rifle cleaning it with a feather dildo).
  17. kokujin


    okay.. I remembered my password. But the e-mail associated with this account should change, but I can't quite do so because all my other e-mails were used for ALTs.
  18. kokujin


    I've pm'd cooke so many times on this issue, but he just forgets.
  19. kokujin


    Originally signed up with an old email addy that doesn't exist. User is saved on my phone. But how can I get the pass for this account again?
  20. a 2d game i can respect? stats rpg elements? cool. still2d.
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