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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. mer her. yah. not shocked. internet here has gotten more expensive, faster in whatever techonlogy they're sending through, but it operates slower IMO.
  2. First sidequest I see, take pictures of 20 glack looking paintings so you n johhny can have trippy moments, and misty can gaga about some mythic lore? da fuq. so I passed that. There better be bounties, or detective missions, or I'll be bored. Also I do need to doohinky further with these yellow 'thugs' and special NPC system. They have different star levels. Was I supposed to apprehend them and turn them in somewhere? That could be fun. 1 I approached kicked my ass. Another group I approached were kill-able, so that showed variety.
  3. Did my morning regime today. Actually not as lazy as I thought. Almost pitter-pattered at the end but, 5-6 hours, 5-6 work outs and 2 meals. I should do more, I feel like I could crush some free weights right now but don't have the bells, nor the energy. Someone else (next) write their gif and virtua blog. Don't make it complete nonsense. Trying to share the mic>>
  4. "it's a game. where you walk." "walk.? okay walk where?" "Anywhere! I didn't think about that. but imagine, you're...walking!" "uhh, are there gonna be monsters in this game?" "sure." "And what is the genre of this ga- "a stranding new genre." "what. ever. "
  5. http://gph.is/2ck73mB this was fucking cute. don't spam. deep thoughts on gifs provided.
  6. can't be bad. so long as it's not death stranding ever again.
  7. Notes are the best. the dirty boy is right.
  8. I wanted a section for members to shoot the shit without fear of being doxx'd by weak outsiders.
  9. black face? your karma just went down. I had better ideas for you.
  10. whoa. that's. okay fam fire. I didn't know y'all was beefin.
  11. nah. the formula feels like it's on rails. It doesn't really matter which dialogue choice you make, you can usually run through all of them if you want, and go to the obvious one that advances the rails. mmm. Lotta weird unexplained fetch questing where the main line objectives just turn into haphazzard missions. the scooby dooby inspector gadget shit needs to stop too but ok whatever. I've also accepted that driving around is a formality and chore more than something to play with, so outside of sitting in chairs swiveling the camera and sucking in the tale//lore., I am a little wo
  12. Actually sir, if you rationalize sheer factory, we present the most attraction for cost ratio of all the current marketers by a ratio of 2: to 1.
  13. Hay, Punkey. How hard is this game gonna go? aha?
  14. Q: I thought lostfool would like a dad joke thread. it's the epitome of the most optimistic way to see his life.
  15. I would have taken alan wake. it needs abonimal snowmen at least.
  16. wow to GD, I wasn't hating. Just was actually ignorant of this game. I wanted to see combat. it looks like it would have been scary with it. Not sure if I dig entirely point and click andventures. I think it just pusses out on creating monsters, cuz you can fuck it up//it turns forever cheesy then.
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