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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. maybe I'll do a media shut out for this one. Thanks for letting me know it has a bunch of new stuff. Will pass on that sip 'o coffee.
  2. another complexity of the winning Final Fantasy XV fighting system. Shell-shock recovery!! Maybe you held circle and spammed potions and pheonix downs. You know you can fight enemies underleveld? I fought a mooze lvl 65 at lvl 18-22. I fought the knight nights at lvl 14 when they were mid 20s. I do wish attacks following impervious did more damage, or link parries did a lot more damage, or there were multipliers, real ones, every air step you did or the longer you stayed in the air, but the game has to work for casualized trash like you, Ramza. It just has to.
  3. we haven't met aliens yet because they took off and are still studying English. Anywho your engish is top notch, but it's like a dialect to you. I don't know who/where/what you taught yourself. I am getting there with Jappo, but your English is truly fluent. I can and do play jap games now without anything. I don't need to look up words either. But shit like "the staff of hydroplexechordian youth" --- I'll be able to sorta know the 4th word, read parts of it, realize it's a complex jibberish word that I don't have to get, so I move on and try and find the damn staff like my party
  4. take a pause. yeesh. y'all play games on max. impressive but damn. I'll be playing dq11 for months, then kh3 for 2 months. Maybe I'll throw in a GRIS playthrough, as my bro has a switch.
  5. weaklings. I just learnt the language like a japanese person. *kapoof* done. level zone'd.
  6. stop posting possible-ly that's the plot- spoilers, asshole.
  7. an epic twine of self-enlightenment tangled in a plot worth telling grankids about.
  8. sad dumbass spent all his money and life on drugs. same with mac miller. will these fools waste their riches in moderation.
  9. I couldn't craft a good breakfast. wasted $5. Gouk, I don't know exactly what it means for the game to be streamed. Explain the goodies. I got 1 more hours of painting to do, then lift some weights, then sleep on a train ride to the grocerie store, then make some dinner. then try not to Zzzz and go out briefly again tonight w ma company. Is this possible, or is this death??
  10. you try it? any last minute takers? I sent a link to me bro. I'm too bus on GOD to play anything else. Off to work now. and ordering Break$$fast. Hopefully a cook hooks me up. I want bacon, sausage patties +2 like I fun-size-forged them bitches.
  11. 35. successufl youtube man comes into money. Of course. Sad shit but, I'm not empatethic. Nikkas gotta know drugs and too much of them will ruin their lives. You are runniing too far away from chasing happiness sober. Which actually provides you with the most long-lasting happiness.
  12. I make $17.50 an hour. and My job is easy. My rent is paid. I gotta budget a little better, but I got an opp to do so after february. So, Nah I'm fine. I got this job in 2 weeks or less just spelunking.
  13. okay. what exactly does agility do? how would you describe 'charm'? I am aware it boosts attack power for 2 of your party members. I will.. hmm... keep an eye on buffing and who the buffer is. I may F with debuffing just for fun too. To complicate the game. May switch to manual sometime soon? But atm still enjoying the game for what it is. I took a Broadword and made it +3 (2 attemps, you can "re-do" an upgrade and don't need +3, i.e you can go from +2, hit the requirements for +1, and voila). So, 39 damage pointrate which is great for where I'm at.
  14. ohkay, that's entirely a lie. You're a single kid who lives at home. You think telling us how ping works is spectacular, when the kid's point was Nintendo's online structure sucks so bad it destroys the shit out of a good connection. You can't even game online with 56k. And no shit distance and amount of players make a difference. Just what exactly were you understanding of your own conversation?
  15. I'm gonna be so behind on this too. Will have to hotkey KH3 and avoid spoilers. Will probably be fucking impossible with this one. Can we make an official thread when it comes out? Like we did with RDR2? I don't think I've read a single story spoiler for that one, and I willingly read threads about the gameplay for hype.
  16. Oh wow did you think of that all by yourself? You smart. You must get the big bucks. I hate people who communicate like you.
  17. Lol this is why I think the game plays itself. Charm is useless too, from what i gather. And it's not like luck. Just going pure atk and magic off, and the obv healer. Withuutb spoiling too much, can you turn Veronica into a good phys offence dealer if you wanted to? Did you feel much variety or variance was available for you with builds? Mmmm, did you even care about status ailments, buffed bosses, or strategy other than waiting your turn to hit?
  18. Watching 2, 3, 4 party link strikes, and how they differ based on who you pair with, and sorry but how seamlessly they happen while gaming is enough to make any true gamer cream cum their pants in appreciation. You just bitter/don't care. Nor know the technical feat it takes to design that. Tldr: you are not a fan.
  19. I thought it was Aza speaking. Too bad man. You just weren't happy to.control ffxv. I was thrilled to just play it. Drive around, catch cutscenes, see how freaking preddy it is, i forgave it came out choppy and unsure of what genre or game it was. A sequel w the same engine, and better focus on a driven campaign will be glorious!!
  20. Imma keep going. It has way too much charm.to give. We're all aware you can manually give orders, i was being figut'ritive artistic with my point lol. Why would anyone harp about a gameplay mechanic you can turn on and off. No discussion there. Since you mentioned, i actually worried my allies will get LESS turns if set to manual. The battle appears to go faster when they do their thing. Any truth to this? Is eriks/kamyuu 's steal worthless? I got the steal gloves, wooo 2% but i bet that's a shitty description. By no means.am.i short on ingredients. And, i heard ste
  21. is DQ supposed to play itself? it sure feels that way. I don't/can't die, and tho I love finding new gear briefly in towns, and I LOVE crafting some, the game is on auto-pilot. I am sure it's by design. I have no motivation to GO BACK to places and find secrets. Because there are none. The game doesn't progress that way. At all. Oh well. Pretty game but towns and dungeons are small or appear way too overwhelmingly big (one town). Yet,... imo... there's not much bubbling in any of those town minus the shops you need to visit. Will keep trucking. I hope the other
  22. lol no you didn't. you have to spam so many techniques to get an S rank in offence. The ranks are arbitrary. You don't know SHIT, which is why you didn't respond to my post. You also forgot link strikes and doing more damage coming in from behind.
  23. ffxv has quite an action packed and fun to watch and do fighting system. maybe because you're retarded, you just hold circle? I press it, and I use dodge, and parry, and switch weapons, and warp strike. I also use command skills like penetrate to lower defenses, and spamming healing items is a fail.
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