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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. lmfao. I just love that high school high decision process. did you go home by yourself?? Also how does one stay high if they get high everyday?
  2. is it for online play or even in split screen multi?
  3. uh huh. you missed my point, because your brain is casual too. over your head it all goes.
  4. i'm so confused. so you are bragging you beat a boss on super easy?? nothing about liking the game,story, substance, or deep thoughts lol. I hit the X button and progressed further on a turn based RPG... great job for you lol dumbass
  5. dis foo happy he gaymin' a niche or tough game. "i'm not casual,by playing ironically casual DQ" I'm joshing ya, but I'm glad you like it. I'll be playing it a lot slower than you, but it's fun. Also, erm, you're supposed to beat games and bosses. lfmao it's atually scaled to user-friendly common difficulty, pal.
  6. "I have NO advice for white people. NAH." bitch don't givea fuu'.
  7. I answered this question. A blind man can follow this conversation. It's been done recreationally as a high for decades. It's speed you dumb ball. It makes people without ADHD high as fuck, and is usually a very pleasurable and long high. You are STUPID AS FUCK, because you are being confident over having NONE of the right info, and calling the person who does and the experience, and the knowledge, the dumby. Good riddance. If you want to know what an aderral high is like, search a fucking drug forum you slav winker. faggo. die in the slumbs of bethlehem.
  8. Aderall has been a recreational high for decades. You are not right.
  9. I had successful sex this morning. All is back to life.
  10. It feels like nothing. No pain. You just don't boner easily.as you used to. Anyways, already feeling bits and pieces better. Should recover fully soon I hope.
  11. This happened to me the first time, and i quit the first night! I experienced 80% boner this morning, after some real and mild ones overnight. So that is a good sign. Altho my baseline is still constricted and short/tight, and the THOUGHT of something cannot give me wood like normal .so will have to wait for that next. Will hope to get another 80% or higher hard on tonight. Not really bout forcing one now, but I wonder if.I should be stressing my dick some action. F this noise lol. If i don't see 2.improvements a day, i won't be.content. i'm.glad i.got.wood for the first
  12. It is. What a waste. The first 30 hours was hell. I thought i did permanent damage. Luckily i'm already experiencing growth. How long did yours last??
  13. People use adderal recreationally all the time. This is cru. Had I known, i would have been much more careful.
  14. 26 hours ago i took too much aderall fuck lol What can i expect
  15. I took 1,000 mg in 3 hours of weak 10mg pills.
  16. And already erectile disfunction?? I cum with no boner. Got 20% of my dick if that. Anyone had this happen? Do I just wait it out?.it's been 26 hours. Need guidance. This is lame. No joke.
  17. edit: not tatilating at GD. He's a nUB-in.
  18. dude, just share normally here. We would greatly appreciate hearing from you. You are obviously not retarded. You used words like reconcile. I'll even admit you know your rhymes and 'chonsante rhymes," if you just type with your true un overcompensating spirit and voice here from time to time. We miss Jimmy.
  19. never liked zombies. At least resident evil had a scary environment, pacing, puzzles, ammo conserv, beefier models of characters. I dunno, LoU just felt repetitive to me. I don't know if it was ADHD
  20. talking about 'rebel galaxy' bud.
  21. your fam is not worth my insight influence or vision. I wouldn't open up to them one bit. quickly discern they're not worth the instigation.
  22. you're allowed in public?? can't believe you can keep it together.
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