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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. So, you should be able to STEAL lawmen's dead bodies (I'm sure you can). Then, you should be able to sell that bounty yourself ala persuasian skills or not getting caught doing so (you can't). Such wasted potential. I thought of this like 10 seconds. smh.
  2. I love spoilers. I feel like watching all this instead a playing it just ruins the charm. well, going to watch the videos anyways. For those more styled and sophistocated. Overall, does it feel more alive, springy, or different than a GTA world? I frankly can't remember much o time since GTA: Vice City blowing up chains of cars after cars, that GTA really felt so alive or expansive or micheviously fun. GTA5 felt fluid smooth and everything came together nice for the missions, but the world just meant places to drive in between and steal cars. Not sure what detail to even look f
  3. is the 2nd half weak? why is it weak? Also don't spoil. <3 I'll be playing Dq11 myself at the end of this month!
  4. I hate my black skin obviously. thewhite man put it on me.
  5. wish wash. 76ers ain't doin' shit anyways. They need.. i dunno, wing players and 10 years of cohesion between the 3 young stooges that collapse (run) the show.
  6. jeez. you disgusted by my gaming appettite eh, feller? FF15 on xbox was stellar btw. 300 hours lmfao. Oh, I BOUGHT DRAGON QUEST 11. JAPANESE IMPORT NIGGA. And My brother is letting me borrow his PS4 for months to play it. :glad: I've cured... my jrpg tongue to eat off the right plate.
  7. republicans are gross. hang on to shit values and bigotry and being white and callous at the cost of the rest of the nation due to their deadly immaturity.
  8. No guns period. You gotta be 30 and still into Nintendo games (I.e. clearly a cuddly fuddly not a threat) to own anything. That's my first piece of legislation as the next-next president in 2024.
  9. I just bought the import for $40. May be here in 1.5 weeks backordered. Please avoid spoilers. And i'll avoid hype. Gotta find a ps4 to play it on for a couple months. Fuck xbox 1
  10. Wish it was on Xbox One or I could be playing the import to be honest. Guess I'll play some yakuslit 0 right now to make up for it.
  11. 田畑 畑 Rice/Vegetable Plot I'm only a retard to those that don't understand as much as I do @teh_4th
  13. handgun? or semi automatic rifle? can we please have an incel clinic. and ban semi autos?? I'm waiting for this gov. tyranny to happen. So far I just see innocents dying and everyone ok with it..
  14. ^what are even mad about? I type grammatically-exquisite. I also type faster than all you dweebs and got a 100 on my English ACTs. Oh , please. I have nothing to prove. You are the fucking *Ritalin idiot.
  15. sadly I've gamed 45 minutes at best in the last week. read tho!! smaarter.
  16. elections are exciting now? I played chess in jail.
  17. wow you are insane. How about the first post? That you called me high for? THEN I got mad and trashed your game? NO wonder you play 2d switch games. You are a fucking retard. You do know how conversations work, right? Things in your life have happened in consecutive linear order, farmboy. It's not our fault you can't pay attention.
  18. fuckingnerd fest up here. scuse me while I go slam some pussy and beer.
  19. god you are retarded. the game's trying to come of as frightening unnerving scary. it's ART. that ART is working and being portrayed to me, just by watching it. Go fuck yourself dude.
  20. No do you not understand what the damn vid is tryiing to accomplish? okay, how about this: game looks like lazy 2d trash. hold Right on the d-pad for 4 hours and tuggle through shit game-play encumbrance to "win." Sheep thirsty for any resemblance of a presence in the generation.
  21. i get unnerved just watching it. lmfao oh fuck me. no way.
  22. we elected a somali woman (and we need one, the demograph here in MPLS is CHANGING like the climate). GO FUCK YASELVES the rest of the US east. Yawll buckwater backwards muhfuckas can't compete! Hope we legalize weed next! MN baby!!
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