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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. ^ proving Black People are superior. Which we've all always known. A reason the scared neanderthal has worked so damn hard to pillage that truth away. it's been their desperate escapade for over a thousand years. Even infiltrating the minds of it's small white pudgy hands people with 4-5 inch penises to believe in a thing called 'Racism.' The white failure knew from day 1 the Negro was superior physically in every way, but he also knew mentally the same species. So he herded him and baned him from reading, growing, maturing, he pillaged AFrica of it's recourses and put everyone in apart
  2. DAREDEVIL is easily my fave marvel. I hated the ben affleck movie. GD is right. Looking forward to engrossing myself into season 3. Haven't yet. For what it's worth, I thought Punisher was 'OK.' Brutal-scenes was not enough to win me. DD got a little silly with Ninjas and what not at the end of S2. S1 was excently slice-of-life and well paced. The Boss didn't even come put till ep 8 or 10, and the suit didn't even make it till ----.
  3. pretty true for the men. well, in satire. IRL I don' think everyone abuses alcohol like that.
  4. trump bots trying to say right-wing turds aren't mass killers. sad shit. I find it funny liberals don't go on suicide killing sprees, ever. strange.
  5. yakuza 0 is crap lol. crap crap crap. beat up some drunks. i am suspected of being the leading cause to some dude's death (probably not). Some old blonde gaikokujean told me to spend my money on myself and abilities. And I saved at a phone booth. This is luscious 2018 Japanese gaming, yawll.
  6. What are y'all pickig up on this sale? All I saw worthy was Wticher 3 dark souls and.. Just Cause 3??
  7. My fav FF of the PS1 era. X would be the gen after for me. Then it's choppy. I'm going to PC game now. BRB. PC GAYMING.
  8. open carry should be a felony. Unless you can prove you have said license, passed it, and it was an "honest mistake." (have some stupid strike rule, apply some common sense. 'Was he/she pointing it at anyone') This would make it harder for actual criminals to commit crimes in public. If someone sees them WHIP OUT a gun period they're fucked. Put gun detectors in random places. Try robbing someone on private property? Well, they can legally have their own gun. *have only thought this through 75%
  9. hmmm. I like the idea of liner pixelly shadey japanese story then. I thought... that, it had QUALITY side-quests and branching paths?? Or like really breathe-y towns? Hmm..I miss FF9 now that you mention it. Perhaps that old-school feeling can be fun... You're using a boat you say,... sounds like open world... Overworld? whaat? You got me confused as shit. yes I realize It's my fault.
  10. I hate persona and I fuking hated Dragon Quest X. Sooo freaking dry. I played Eternal Sonata for about 5-10 hrs and only with 0 expectations was it enjoyable. So... I'm hoping the robust open world and side-quest nature of DQ11 (plus playing it in my target language) will be spectacle enough for me to like it. If it's dry like other DQ games, or honestly, ... weird like Persona, I probably will have an iff feeling about it. Even if it gets my weeaboo blood. I know steam users can hack the interface/#notepad files. I would not be shocked if there's some hack to put the
  11. ain't it a PS4 exclusive??? ** ah , shit. I see it on steam. I gotta see if it can do what I need it to. I was going to get this but my buddies PS4 pro is back in his hands. https://www.amazon.com/Japanese-Language-Sugisarishi-Motomete-PlayStation-4/dp/B06Y63281P
  12. amen. done with this topic. We should de-regulate. and guns should be kept in homes for the paranoid.
  13. I hope so. I don't think a hillbilly will protect me from the biggest Military in the globe deciding to turn on its own populace. So, erm, no citizens with guns please. If you WANT a gun, IN YOUR HOME, against a robber, that can be legal. But there is no reason why you should be out with one or seen with one. AR rifles for the common citizen is fucking stupid.
  14. guhahaha. iss a halloween sale again. and I got yakushits 0 for $13.33 and that sale is ova. I'm a $7 saving KING. Now I'm going to cor-rouse and see what else is aboot. Or maybe I'll get Red Dead 2. Fuck, if I could buy DQ11 for PC, I would have done so long ago...
  15. wait what? current sale? didn't one just end??
  16. Hmmm. This is bad. I have steam. and I have money. And I just bought. FUUUUU, do I get Red Dead 2 right naow?? It's on the xb00t one x. Or a steam game? No...save...save your money Low/kokujin....
  17. I purchased yakuza 0 yesterday. From work. Wish you could LAUNCH the damn installer from a remote location, say, via your phone, to start downloading on your home computer. it's installing now tho. :o :o Will be gaming in a couple hours.
  18. I got a a game you got, wid a higher shiney thing on my $3,000 TV. I finally WIN. I'm gonna play RED DEAD FOREVER
  19. imo fool them. they like to send revisions back, thinking they tried to curate it. spend shit time on a 400 word article. I can write one in 5 minutes (lol you slob). let them revision your grammar or spelling to think they had proper due process not to accept a 400 word shitbin so fast, when in honesty you worked on it less than an hour. Send them 3 400 word articles that you spent 30 minutes top on. Only research and re-do what you can do in the following 30 minutes. Either way, that's shit pay. Reg jobs are better IMO.
  20. Haylo. Assassin creed. Madden. I'm happy. Maga.
  21. I got yakuza 0 for PC. I feel acne already brimming from the hermit plague stench. Will game tonight.
  22. The city of Champlain (sp??) Does. Void, yes i did.
  23. Dynamo forgot Champaign. What an idiot.
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