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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. it's a rabit hole not worth discussing. I agree and I think I get Mich's point. Some liberties are more important than others. Less than 0.000001% of all muslims are terrorist plane bombers. It makes no sense to profile all muslims that go through the airport. You're jiddish.
  2. We do? Right-wing white guys think they can just spew anything and show no hesitation, and I vehemently disagree with them mofos, but they are allowed to talk, and every other color or person or other white folk are allowed to ridicule and disagree with them.
  3. a place for dickless wads. No one practices common sense as much as they do here. We all try not to be real bigots, but fuck cunt fagg (I still feel iffy using this one here lol) and NAGGER ****** (i'm black I can do it). For the most part, this is home. Okay I'll calm on the F and N words. I'm pushing my own envelope. And SW respects that. IMO.
  4. if anyone cares, I learned more-so I'm very straight that day. It was a stupor dead-drunken but straight-innocent, moment, with friends I drank/partied with like 23 hours a day for 3 months in a foreign country. We're standing around a park at 2am drunk as fuck. You get pretty close and rambunctious with people like that, and I got kicked out and was leaving the next night. No regrets. I learned it tastes like skin! Cooke, you are gay because you like the idea of putting your dick up a man's butt. and it turns you on. And I imagine it consciously and unconsciously turns you on. I am GLAD I
  5. seriously. He spent SO MUCH TIME, like over a decade, just venoming at people. Disgusting. Would stalk you in posts you're not addressing him. IMO faggos (no anti gay brah) were too scared to stand up to him, or wanted to fit in, so they'd laugh at his jokes. Yes, he was very good and insults, and knew very well what he was doing, but the man/person/being had no kind bone in his body. Incapable of it. Almost like a disease. IMO, in those rare instances, I would ban a user like that.
  6. Just one chimp, and that was a long time coming. He was cancerous and shed zero positivity
  7. well, I gotta tell you it has worked for me.
  8. you don't have to put up a cold blow-hard front on every girl. If she's not that type, she would like 'YOU' to reach out a bit first. "I want your number" only goes so far. Go for it either way. So long as she feels she's the only one you're asking out, it should be fine. silly thing to worry about, imo.
  9. it's not as bad as you think. especially if she's already waving at him and being a little flirtatious.
  10. I stopped asking lol @ you. It's a pop contest. Y'all will never award Lowtcp with modship. Whatever. I'm SO not forever butthurt about the idea.
  11. just keep hinting. as long as you're not stalky, or taking way-too-long to spell it out, she will actually appreciate your honesty and little bit of bravery. "Okay, I don't know... if you're just being nice, or you may actually be into me,.. but I find you cute as f** and I would love to get a chance to be something with you. Umm.. date? please?" Change to coffee if you want to be a pussy, but melt some panties off, brother.
  12. welll. yeah. popularity contest. fuck y'all. once again, goukak enjoys a cock in his mouth.
  13. just have sex with a graphics card man and put one up your butt. you are way too anally involved with performance.
  14. were the bombs amateur as fuck? I hope so. I personally doubt they were that dangerous. Would be shocked terribly if they were. I hope no one can pull something off like that. How did they find the bombs? -- were the bombs from Russia? ( ) just playing.
  15. no. I got living to do. God willing. And mistakes and huge decisions to make properly. God willing.
  16. I'm in the US playa. Wanna go to japan next year. Wanna sub Netflix movies for a job/career, but still got massive ammounts of reading and gaming to do. Reading all of harry Potter 1 did loads for my kanji work. Made it to page 300 of the second one. If i finish that, and dq11,.and casually play kh3, i should be 'fluent' for 2019 especially with 3 months in japan. The xbox one really is an abandoned console. Very strange. to kaz,.dip and crums to the rest. Y'all need a broad spectrum weirdo such as moi, and i truly enjoy getting to be me!.no joke!!
  17. I commend you on playing 2d snes snob schnozfest. I won't love gaming that much. I did mean gta 5 is old. It's last gen?? I imagine the olders are tough. Me thinks battletoads hard.
  18. I do love playing old games or games in general. I fucked with GTA5 for a bit. Sadly, I don't have my PS3 anymore or right now. Stuck with this shitty Xbox One. Though... lol... steam works fine and I got a 30 day FF14. And I think I will get yakuslut 0 afterwards too. Should keep me balled up and ready for KH3. Would love to get DQ11 in there as well before January. Actually I think I can make it happen!! FUUUU gonna play and complete up to 4 games by Januray holy schnozzfest I'm a sw gamer again!! Also my Kanji game is on plat passive good. I don't bother to read everything
  19. I just see a difference in lighting in most of these youtube vids. I don't know or understand if vids help me see in 4k when my monitor isn't 4k. what's the point?
  20. I like Dirk. Not truly hating. But the great white hope line, could not resist.
  21. Dirk comes back? the great white hope. Isn't he dusty-years-old?
  22. wish you could sneak or the game paid attention to bailing on twelve.
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