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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. okay wow fuck IM GONNA BUY THIS GAME ON STEAM especially if it's cheap, plays in Japanese voice (no text??), and my xbox one controller can be plugged into my PC. (so it finally gets use). $14? I'd do it... I got the week off from work finally. Should fucking buy it today... but also want to wait for a paycheck..
  2. random encounters? does it really load up fight scenes? I thought you fight whatever you come up to. No punching pedestrians? hmm. why do the jappos think fights are pre-rehearsed stage-ensembles. ??
  3. this is gon b a good thread. jonb tries to wrap him mind around japanese quirk yakukaraoke game. gamers thrill him 'it's good!' He doesn't understand. Suffrage occurs.
  4. that game had strangely good level design. organic. Kind of fun. 8.2 or whatever score it got was spot on. Y'all should try it. I feel the same about RE0. Something dark and satisfying about it.
  5. COULD BE TRUE. LOL MAYBE THAT KID WAS VERY PSYCHO. bullied and shit life? was it true for this kid? what was his 'popularity' like in high school? btw, fuckkk popularity is like LIIIFE growing up for 8 years. It consumes you and you value yourself to it. It's shat. Looking back, being grown, I think I could avoid a lot of high school kid's unhappiness. It can't be that hard to prevent a TEENAGER to be so fucking upset he wants to go in and kill everyone.
  6. i love the title of this thread. :d
  7. i get how pissy futile and whiney my last post comes across, lol but again, that's half the problem. I truly wonder why this kid did it.
  8. people should just be nice to one another and understand humanity and how it's sad. a little more honesty. Less drugs (they don't help you fammo).
  9. damn? was she ugly? was he bullied? what's his problem? Too much call of Dooty??
  10. i worked with some Russian LADIES old fat brim top round bunch. And they were warm and nice to me, and each other. The MEN might have this problem. then again, you went to bakeries churches and markets. I beget they are welcoming their. All Americans are racist fat slobs. Look at RAMZA's dumbass. Thinking I have brain damage for typing more than 6 words as a grown fucking man.
  11. eventually, once we're all melted socioeconomically and of the same crusty beginnings, full of all the wealth to make all the shitty human being mistakes. it's just going to be shitty people of all colors doing shitty thangs. and that's a place I want to live in.
  12. cooke is being nice. not all whites. I meet the very friendly white now and then. and they know what they're doing. plus,the Canads are very quant with each other, and I hear the swedes and Danes all say hi to each other in their little town and gang. However yes, western, modern, american, white folk, yes, they don't get in trouble or aren't rambuctiously in face of the law, but damn, [a lot cultural raised??] are just just cold to society in general imo. Watch yous how some whites and then some non-whites interact. It's pretty funny.
  13. those 20 joined a gang or wanted to be about that life. I'm going to introduce you to something. MURDER of a single person over rage was bad enough. THIS IS FUCKING BECOMING A REAL FUCKING PROBLEM, because SHITTY FUCKING HUMAN BEINGS ARE THINKING this is a LEGITIMATE WAY TO DEAL WITH LIFE. Does this make sense to you??
  14. ya americans taught white kids to OFF a bunch of other strangers because they can't handle a little life or "microtransgressions." White people are scum. Don't even have the balls to just fight or confront people or go to jail like a 'real nigga' over standing up for themselves. Perhaps if they did, they woudln't grow up to be such pussies. edt: cooke is gonna get mad, I am not being fair. poor extremist muslim people,-- I don't think they're in their teens, going to a good white/western school, affluent as fuck and should have all the opportunity educat
  15. btw, (not to toot too hard cooke, you can watch me on that), I'm still here Dynagaggoflowmouth. That's because beyond the peculiar stupid 'homo' peck line, I actually submit hella substance to posts, as you can see above. And put my thoughts. sociology degree that I got on facebook, and everything else into my posts. Meanwhile you just post one-liiners and spew shitty sw diatrbie like bxhtyre and I dunno, too many lazy cunks. YEP. STILL. HEA. UNLESS GOUKAK DECIDES TO BAN ME CUZ HE'S THE ONLY ONE WHO HATES ME. I'm clearly not an excludavist, and I keep my epitaths to
  16. sometimes, you're human, and it's NICE to start the process of making people feel good or happy. And it effects you too. As people, especially in the societies we have raised, our default is miserable. And a country fool of bolts unwilling to smile at each other, to give a warm hello, who look at you like 'you better make me smile or I f'ng won't, nice to fucking first meet you,' is only going to make everyone else stay miserable. I get what YOU'RE saying but I'm saying. White people don't fucking smile or say hi to each other for shit at the Airport. I used to work ther
  17. I was talking about you, blue boy.
  18. Sad trend. These uhh boys need loving, an outlet, and this is turd human behavior.
  19. kokujin

    RIP Sears

    Ya fuck your empathy kaz. Read right.
  20. Real talk travel is good. Just do not go to an enabler country like japan. Move to bali, india and try and survive. www.homestayweb.com Do it. Go kill yose'f, get abducted, or start the trend of a lifetime.
  21. You buy a fighting stick, but you button mash. You call people weeaboos but buy vp4 just to play it 10 hours. It's not confusing at all why i find it all so ironic.
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