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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. we all know your fatass don't move.
  2. jam jam jam. corner jam jam. block. block. run towards and throw and/or jam jam get lucky ricochet off each other YOU WIN!!1
  3. kokujin

    RIP Sears

    the homo of a dad could have read the list before doing so lfmao. probably too involved in the prank. your dad is a homo! how's that for christmas conversation.
  4. I don't think you're a hardcore gamer, and I think I can kick your ass in Soul Calibur 6 or other fighting games without trying. So it makes no sense to me. Kudos for supporting the industry with your rich casual ass. But the thought-process behind it and the irony of it all is hilaro to me.
  5. To the US?? maan. maaaan. MAAAAAAAAAAAN. I WANT SOME NSA BUBBA KUSH. Shit so loud NSA text you like "yo bro, you sure??"
  6. Weed doesn't get me high. Fuck that noise.
  7. I knooo. fuck. Canada is on the list of places I'm going for a month... just to smoke some weed.
  8. kokujin

    RIP Sears

    bro are you gonna lift the weights before the larp so you can competitive the beast and be the best pretend-fighter??
  9. kokujin

    RIP Sears

    I want to talk about Sears. Oh wait.
  10. you clearly and ONLY you are sucking at games. you don't get it. quit. it's you. you suck. jonb1, you fucking suck!!
  11. telelee. what';s worse, I don't game much but I completed the entire FF13 trilogy and fucking liked the fuck out of Lightning Returns 13-2 wasn't terrible either ahahaha.
  12. I'm really debating importing dq11. but, the whole thing is silent as balls in Japan version. Can only dashu on a horsie. And extra difficulty missing. Dow Shitara E-n DESU Ca?
  13. what a faggot. most overrated sing-song motherfucker ever. Em doesn't rap. He rhymes.
  14. bro you're like a fucking single kid or single old man having to mascarade your entire being to avoid being embarrassed.
  15. could never game for 1 hour and stop. give me a days(s) where I have 3-4 hours at my leisure to get something actually done. when healthy and gaming, I'll play 5-10 hours a week, over 2-4 sessions.
  16. Dnt overhype yaself and enjoy the game. Do the lost boys side quests.
  17. What res does a typical phone or computer display? What good are youtube vids and comparison pics using these platforms?
  18. Results: everybody is gay Cooke has mad hard on. Everyone that voted bottom will never get banned by cooke.
  19. Your other thread. Lol. He did confuse us, but i think he answered my post too. What a witty guy. I will get this tattoo in 2 years!
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