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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. I credit these people everyday. to devote their lives to technology we humans walk on and take for granted. I swim in their inventions everyday, to enjoy a humanitarian life. For me, I just enjoyed college life. I did make it a point to learn a language I otherwise could not have. Which is cool as fuck. But ya, not building a bridge with it. But I got something...
  2. YOU BECOME AN INCEL MANIAC UNABLE TO COPE WITH LIFE. Pick up a self- help book nikkah and stop shooting innocents.
  3. if everyone got pussy and basic income and moderated drug use we'd have no crime for a few years. life's about ups and downs, but when you're getting none and law enforcement is up your ass,
  4. "my parents expect the shit out of me." is what that grin says. Then again, he's probably got it good. And I don't think he struggles. 2 great minds for his genetics, as far as I see. His mammah probably drives him more crazy.
  5. i'm trying to spin then narrative of black folk into a positive. reminding folk like the OP people like these black folk exist and can exist when the environment and tables and opportunities are even. A lot of people don't see that, or think it possible, or don't realize HOW MUCH equal opportunity/footing/equity plays a part. You realize why I posted that, right?
  6. and as long as men who toe the sidelines out of fear, rejection, or respect, get NO PUSSY, and actually no real CREDIT by women, and as long as women secretly only respond to MANLY tough and BOLD men, and reward that with their privates, I have no qualm by saying I have very little empathy or respect for the Metoo movement. Guys perv carefully but maybe women should try being the aggressors in dating while having to fear all the re-precautions they create. It's not easy. It's bullshit. And women need to find some damn consistency. disclaimer: drugging
  7. kokujin

    Forza 4

    I'm just going to assume no game will have split screen multi anymore. I need live to do so. or it just doesn't have it. SAD. Or it's not backwards compatible. seriously gamepass is shit.
  8. *translated from the european/american/western WSJ. likely the exact article jehurey posted.
  9. nintendo throwing in a new switch model in the 2nd half of 2019. the bottom shit is random stuff.
  10. kokujin

    Forza 4

    lmfao. xbox fucking sucks dude. Is he serious??
  11. kokujin

    Forza 4

    considering half these games don't have it anymore, why is it so hard to find? someone who doesn't hold a grudge tell me. I'm stuck in story mode. haven't unlocked anything or 'autumn' or whatever the fuck it wants. <3
  12. I'm not understanding where the fuck multiplayer is?? It keeps me in story mode.
  13. kokujin

    Forza 4

    where is split screen multiplayer. seriously... if you can't have this option right away...
  14. hunting should be improved. taking down bears should be like boss battles. trabeling into their caves and leveling up. Dawning a belt and cap.
  15. i think the organic gameplay is going to be very gimicky and sparse.
  16. It is sad and it all collases into a very big and real social problem and i understand why a lot of certain black people continue to outcast themselves, become exclusive to their race, hate, become ignorant and play by their own rules. White society doubting it's an issue and denying how effective prejudice leads to black woes imo is as important. I'm around a lot of black people of all kinds and accesses. You're not going to get hurt by anyone for doing nothing. Some races have had systematic advantages to come out more civilized than others. It's not
  17. didn't get into her music neither. impressed she lived like she does. all hippy out. honestly think outkast's "music" or "catchyness" was a bit whonky for my taste. I'm gonnna say... i'm gonna say... they're highly overrated. bah jk. I actually clearly do not taste their lyrics as much pungency they put out. As in it's over my head and not loopy and catchy enough.
  18. this kid has to be a walkin whiz on text and cologne of spirituality at all times.
  19. did not know Andre 3000 and Badu are married. I feel sorry for the son lmfao, those parents must expect the world out of him. Badu is probably crazy as fish dicks. Andre seems cool but again, he's so accomplished mentally but "cool and sly" about it I wonder if he's ever impressed. Outkast for sure but do you know Erika Badu, my niggah? She's famous too.
  20. they really are shitty games too. I was at gamestop and can get the whole gears series for $13 and own it. I can get all the Halos for $5-$7 a pop. Resident Evil 0 and revelations seems to be the only thing left I've seen on the list.
  21. violence is wrong. angry black people is wrong. angry white society politicing their way to superiority and looking down on black people is wrong. neither of these hoodlums help the cause.
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