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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. really? fuck, now I want to rent and play this one too. I know it's short, but I love me some intertwined messy shit. Can I play it in a french dub or some crazy shit to get my wala nerdy crave satisfied?
  2. A good 30 hours into The Evil Within 2. I have over 600 gunpowder and 60 herbs maign. I use the shotgun as I go, and my handgun bullets stay on full. Good shit. Picked up broken flamethrower parts ahead of time. doing chapter 11. Had the option to do Syke's Last Stem (sic: STEP) Mission but heard you can do it in chapter 12 or 13, so I went ahead (reluctant to play that way), so I hope not to miss out. I think I will actually do a second play through using all my ammo to see... if the game is completable as a non-survival horror. If anyone remembers the upgrades, I have 85k green gel s
  3. lololol. them prints worth millions brah. aza has definitely killed some young russian sisters.
  4. stay true to Gamespot. It's where we originated from.
  5. broh. c'mon now. KH is a legacy. Get your shit right. Leggo my ass.
  6. Looks fucking tedious and very linear actually. Lol occult japanese gaming. These devs are hacks.
  7. Sheep, left..not going to sugarcoat it or feel ashamed.
  8. Did you take introspective lsd recently??.you too real and sad my nigga.
  9. Sad. Sadder, that none of yall know him or paid respects. He must of overdosed. This is actually big news.
  10. kokujin


    Show us the laughs.
  11. i'membarressed to post nexto lemmings.
  12. it's person of color. sorry we oppressed. we wanna label ourselves. just a little bit longer.
  13. if they use actors for every movement and facial animation, why bother computer-graphic-izing characters in games or cutscenes anymore? why not just use real actors?? waiting for a developer brilliant enough to just fucking do that. gorsh.
  14. does it help that everything on the floor including cars and traffic are never driven or interacted with?? I would say so.
  15. didnt see an xbox version ray charles. did you?
  16. GD, which witchers did you complete? never saw you rant about it ever. Also, an awfully nerdy and bulky game. Your type?
  17. everybody is racist and has AIDS. And is benevolent to a man named Ray.
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