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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. I put a good 15 hours into one of these. Plenty of diverse gameplay. Love recruiting. Played the jap import for ps3. Easy to follow actually. Have some fun. Shocker if you complete it.
  2. as opposed to playing filler trash all year. I'd rather play 1 good game every 6 months than a bunches. then again, gaming is a passion and not a crack habit for me, crackhead.
  3. ummmm. damn. LOL also, this is a scene you only get if you (decide) backtrack all the fucking way back, just to talk to the first guy you see.
  4. prowler is badass. sneaking up to enemies is badass. A fun loop/trick was upgrading "speed while aiming" under 'reload' option for guns, makes you move faster than .. all forms of prowler (165% speed). Strange gif. I will get defiance. It looked good actually. A whole extra hit. Methinks predator is wasteful? I can already get right behind enemies with ease. But it looks badass. Stamina recovery is actually dooope. Most don't realize (i'm talking much here), you can run, revive, run, revive, run pretty easily. Will get all 3 of dems. Yeah it's pretty solid.
  5. I made it to page 3--hunneth. Now I'm feeling super lazy and maybe oozing into an English series like on Netflix all weekend. HMMM. TEMPTING. TEMPTING.
  6. about to easily put 40 hours into TEW2. Seriously convinced at this point, if you PLAY games, there's much more hours and content to be had. 15 hour game?? If I skipped everything, fought 10% of the enemies, skipped cutscenes and didn't give a link about bullets and gameplay. for those that have played it: whoa chapter 3 is huge. I'm also aware it's the biggest one by far. I've already sunk 10 hours likely into chapter 3. I have so much gel/weapons parts, I'm a bit lambasted and overwhelmed on what to upgrade. Think Imma save it and see what I'll need in the following more l
  7. I bet it does. Never climbed the curve into racers, but I remember finally cusping my way itno PGR online. Can be fun, and yes, fuck on a nice TV and graphics, I bet it looks beast as fuck. Are you any good? Do you play online or do career runs?
  8. I am excite for toystory/kingdom hearts 3. I wanna run around that neighboorhood as a mini haircutt with legs.
  9. I rushed the last 5 hours (at my pace). Woulda hit 70. But yes, just the idea/imagination of exploring all the different worlds setting your own branches was marvelous and inspiring. shame the planets were a bit copy pasta rasta, but I wont' blameit. I probably spent 8+ hours trying to hover over a mountain I couldn't. I have no clue why they destroyed/changed 2 and 3 so much. Also, you must play as a bitch. Imma stare at bitch ass the whole game. Not sure what you wanna do.
  10. I put 65 hrs in mass effect 1. 70 plus in kh1. English.
  11. I play games slow. especially when I enjoy them. I probably spent 50 extra hours reading it in Japanese. Never bothered to look anything up and only 1 quest got me stuck. I have 180hrs in ff13 games as well.It's a good patience of mine. Evil within 2: should I upgrade melee all the way? or is it still too weak? I want gamefaqs level accuracy here. Does corner stealth skill make the game too easy?
  12. lmfao. didn't even finish all the menace dungeons. can get 400 hours in it if I wanted to
  13. so I put back FFXV in to see how many hours I really have. I think it's honestly over 200 or near 300. Another 4.4GB update. what the shit is up with this game?? they've added like 3 hours of linear content in 4 milkotransactions. moltraisp, I'd rather do COMBOS in ffxv than play any of yakushit. But I'll look into Zero. My brother probably has or can get it cheap on STEAM. http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_Final_Fantasy_XV_patches I can't keep up with this shit. but honesetly like most fans, we know the game is fucking stran
  14. I'll see if my pc can run it. Is zero the latest one? No need to play all or more than 2 of them. Not gon lie tho, yakuza stories even in weeaboo is boring and useless to me. Not into that samurai anime and kitty kats. Ffxv had the best modern japanese dialogue to date. The bros spoke like bros.
  15. I need Xbox One games. Something I can play in Jap. Put 200 hours into FFXV. Sick. Yakuza series is ps4 only? Horizon only ps4? got damn. I do have online capabilities. Is online free anymore?
  16. balbasaur is the best pokemon choice. He has a big venus fly.
  17. Evil within 2. Yes. Im gaming. Weird. Got some some studying reading then kh3 last!!
  18. shit game. shit series. holy holy hell. hung on to every word you wrote. Imagine all the bad stuff at the top with an equally alarmingly bland and formulically paced combat at the bottom. That gives you Ni No Kuni 1. FUCK this game and trash.
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