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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. Still on the god. Hoping to game more soon. With xbox one being region free, and a part time job soon,.i'm ready to make another game purchase yall. Give me something better than ni no kuni 2. LOL that title is a inadvertent pun. I want a game where I can learn and bask at the same time. Really should finish that harry potter book...
  2. slow start though I feel. I think by the end of it the city felt big enough. Loved the high rise manhaten area. Enjoyed the few heists you got to do. Cars were a beut. Wish buying property was more of a feature used in the single player. Changes I'd like made: more optional heists.. better use for money... I felt the missions were nice in lenght short and 20 minute ones with somewhat comaddable single player hallway crawlers. I would have liked assasinations of people you just find in the city. Maybe find their routine from PCs???
  3. I think he's Indian because he speaks English like it's his 3rd language. Phoghorn cup-petting his online e-friends. So cute.
  4. I call you incoherent then you make an incoherent post trying to tell me i'm wrong about everything. then you get emotional and dish out that one. fucking 3rd sidekick of harry potter el dorodo baggo. choke on some curry, lickwad.
  5. Ok. You realize this post makes no sense, right? Incoherent dwab
  6. This dirtpoop esl Indian finally made a coherent joke. :lol:
  7. He didn't buy it. He's talking about YouTube vids. In fact I need fophage He owns it. Would prove he's not sophisticated horse
  8. It's preparing you to understand life. Actually it's a quite stupid algorithm bug like gta having rare cars spring up the moment you get in one. Lazy devs.
  9. back to square one. Iss wyfe peepo in this movie??
  10. With Wesley Sniper?? Still don't know what you're talking about.
  11. What is it. I couldn't stomach black mirror for an entire episode, if that's an honest indication of my white euro peepoo Netflix show tolerance. Honestly if I'm not learning jappo, I don't care. And 95% of the Japanese content on Netflix is trash and kiddy anime too that I never bother with.
  12. lmfao MMORPGs grinding. PASS. PASS PASS PASS. My name is Tim.
  13. I wish dbz had guard crush and more defensive minded abilities. Seems to be who can get off their combos first.
  14. You are a fucking idiot. Read all the words in a sentence before you respond dumbo. Sabo don't bother. This dude button mashes inputs out his brain.
  15. Dbz is a joke. Way too easy to be offensive. Glad they're teaching nubs how to launch and jump cancel though. But probably not neccedsary to beat the game. Have yet to see online mode.
  16. Someone took that picture so that means jimbo has live friends!
  17. :D. "I thought the choices I made were fucking helping her out." That's a brilliant game. Can't guess serendipity. Will try this You're a gay schizo alt account conveyer machine however.
  18. Is that mass effect 3? Loved the first one, even if cheap and incomplete. Does the 3rd do exploration right? I don't mind if the delivery is awkward or if the cutscenes are trash.
  19. Dave Letterman interviews Obama. Comedy. Not being sarcastic or insulting. Obooger is a witty guy
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