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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. Aliens aren't real. Only you are as you traverse the universe. Stop eating pig. Test social norms. Im agreeing with u. If only Bernie sandhut was president. Then wed have all the pussy we want.
  2. Faggaindia and the chimnese. Mankind still does bad things if wealth russharcd hoarding and funneling power via mirrage of government is a real thing. I'm not sure what I believe there.
  3. For the record I think Germanys approach is way better. Sure wolfstein is edited but you don't have all lives matter holocust is fake debates. Countries did fucked up shit in the past. Let's not tell victims how to feel about it. Germany doesn't even have a big jew population. Meanwhile Americans are still grasping how white wealth is so lopsided. (racism)
  4. germany actually profusely accepts and apologizes its genocide in the past. america could do the same with race relations but whateveer. let's just wait 100 more years until it will be to opaque grizzly to pinpoint an issue or disparity. easier on white souls.
  5. white man references foxy brown. my black mind is blown. foxy brown is like a saint in black culture. she didn't fuck up her face or career like lil kim neither.
  6. Id have to remember well the content of the first two to see what you're talking about. I do appreciate he had some helpful core ideas centered around non bigotry that I don't mind hearing. And he wasn't pc or a sjw either. Thought he was fair to all targets. Dave has America's respect and the perfect guy for it. He'll be around.. He loves money if that wasn't clear. I think too much not to take a couple more swipes.
  7. I think hype and daves lofty skills didn't match the first two. This 3rd I wish was twice as long. Also liked he used nigga and took advantage of his blackness. I feel Dave's white fans get it, and you'll never see them Say shit like all lives matter or be oblivious to racial identities. Dave has made the country smarter imo!!
  8. Wtf is this white trash. Should a nihg like me check it out?
  9. I love scale and cosmic awe horizons so if it does that, sweet. Might see it tomorrow. <3 I watched5Bright on Netflix to support Will Smith. Not really spectacular in any sense. Had about two cool parts. One of it wills big d that starts the plot for the movie. It was well done. The other seeing a magical inferni sprawled on a wall. Nothing else in the movie came close to above b quality ho hum. It was also too transparent certain or a few actors can hold a vibe, while others were shallower than a comic strip. But, wills movie studio put out a movie on flix
  10. All white stars are relics. Be careful what yous wish for
  11. I like there's open world in a genre that doesn't ask for it. As well as a re focus to gameplay in the second half, all in the same game. Wish ffxv pulled it off better. Perhaps Zelda is a good example, but some say the dungeons sucked??
  12. I have poor expectations for it (watching now), but knowing will wanted a black owned studio and he's not some big macrocon and is doing it all himself with his net worth, I'm all for support. So far the movie is about as good as one meh episode of stranger things season2, or better/on par with any episode of the punisher. I'm about half way through. The racism is bubbling over my cup!
  13. Why does will spend 80 million to put a movie on Netflix? I get he wants to publicise his movie studio, and I think this is a great idea. Even forking more of his money to make the first a banger, as well as flix being a great medium not too high of a cliff is a wonderful platform. But who pays for all this and how does both sides make profit??
  14. Not what I asked stupid. Also poor segway to talk about yourself. Anyone else who understood me is free to try.
  15. How does that movie make money?? How does Netflix reward its content and contracts??
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