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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. https://m.gamestop.com/trade/quote/xbox-one/consoles/xbox-one-s-white-500gb-system/138879 All gamescott stores should self combust simultaneously with their employees and district managers in them. And they should all die for sure.
  2. NEED a next gen console. Though I agree this one's proving useless. Who sells systems anymore? It is an xbox one S, I guess with $200 ps4s I can almost make the difference. I'll go google worth of this thing. It's so sexxy and white tho.
  3. @Remij_ OK seriously wtf? ? I have characters missing point blank fucking shots? ? My sniper from 10 feet away (ttoo close? ?), And my anti tank standing not even 10 feet behind a tanks blue backpack weak spot. Shit is costing me the match. fuck this bootleg shit. What can I do? ?? *just beat the chapter 4 (do in 10 turns or less mission). Roji- or Loshi or whatever died, but she's still in my party? Usually if alisha dies, the game ends, but it didn't with roshii. I think she's a main protagonist. Any idea why she is still around? Is this a loophole I
  4. The difficulty spikes so far seem very lenient. I'm hoping enemy variety spooks up. The last mission had too many flags and that's why it was difficult (not a fan). Do like the game so far though. This vid said it's a remaster. So there is a part 2. It sucks? How many chapters are in this game? I'm only on 4-5.
  5. I'm officially playing Valkerie Chroicles PS3 remake. In Japponees. This military contract vocab is getting easier and easier to recognize. I'm la shit!
  6. gotta leave spooks available tho? Is that that much of a betrayal?
  7. i have no clue what you're talking about, but that ass.
  8. it's growing. i was quite pleased with the action in ep 4. If me tone of post wasn't spottable. on ep 5 now.:O
  9. episode 4, car scene.. coool. gadgets and outsmarting snipers, cool. (I'm sick of the fight scenes).
  10. That's exactly where I am. I thought even if DD was slice of life in season 1, they paid homage to it BEING a super hero and super villan show by the end of it, and especially the last two eps of season one. Will see where TP goes.
  11. The punisher is pretty lame (tame). Not enough super jackets I swear dare devil perfected the vision of comic heroes super dwelling in slice of life much better than JJ, or punisher. If you asked me before knowledge that this is a marvel spun show, I'd have no idea this has to do with any heroes or myths. Just yur standard military griller. DD,really combined both modern life but with ninjas and blind solo in crimson cameroons kicking ass, and spoiled us in the Netflix marvel series. Frank is already much better in his DD appearances too.
  12. Off balance wonky unorthodox 4-5 hit combos? I play aggressive and to win usually, but I naturally pick up on fighters quick. Nothing I loved more than countering someone 3 or 4 times in a row in DOA. Used to be S rank. Over 1,100 matches played in Ultimate 2 xbox Btw, how do I turn off phone notifications? ?
  13. Just go to Japan you half ass wanker. The ultimate side mission.
  14. Up here in Minnesota, we've well gone past the Vegas shooting. Too desensitized. To give credit, 50 people in Orlando was a awfully high spike from trends of 'only's a dozen.
  15. There's a main black guy AND they made a homage comment about race in the first ep using another black actor and white conservative dumby. I don't know if you guys (white friends/normies) think it unique, or notice, but I think it's actually a little attention towards black experience and black audiences too. I've always looked and have noticed, lately, liberal Caucasians and writers are finally smart and comfortable enough to unique blackness that they address it for a black audience in subtle ways (in their shows ) and I believe that they believe the American black experience IS a litt
  16. I started it. You're right and I'm expecting a slow burn. Trying not to get too hyped. I do like Frank though so I think I will enjoy the season. They did poor donny wrong ((only on episode 1. Not a spoiler).
  17. I'm a bit sardonic with most of my posts but I wouldn't say I'm esoteric. Those that get it, really do and can play along
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