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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. That jimbo is weird, and the fact he's the only one waiting for tv shows to come on is another prime anecdote that highlights his peculiarity. Point #2.
  2. That jimbo picks a theme and trolls that theme constantly for 3 weeks
  3. No one watches TV jimbo. I realize you're trying to make a point
  4. Much better than Luke Cage. TAKE THAT BLACK PEOPLE
  5. Ooooh. This I'll watch. Really loved dare devil and Frank
  6. That's really the point dear. Think wider. Ask yourself what did hijeo kojima-san want to make you feel
  7. You exhibit the attention span of a lemming. God you don't know how retarded you sound. Guess you don't have enough thoughts to last you 20 minutes. TAKE IN THE SUBJECTIVE AND PURPOSEFUL OBJECTIVE ART DIRECTION YOU FUCK.
  8. WHAT A BLASPHEMOUS turn this thread has taken. No doubt, lead by IC, that tasteless cunt.
  9. Haven't played RE4 in a while. Wonder if I would agree. Loved the shit out of it though. Probably played through it 3 times. Something about it is remarkably addicting and tense at the same time. The difficulty is just right, too.
  10. I feel the same about resident evil 0. First sentence of your post.
  11. I locked my playstation in a luggage and haven't played it in 3 weeks. But I'm reading ハリーポッターと秘密の部屋。 on page 150, hope to hit 200+ by the end of this month (I don't read it everyday. Casually on my phone usually)
  12. How can you watch just one episode in a day? You are a classic, man. Scuse me while I go Netflix an entire series.
  13. Why is revelations 2 so fun? Gamey, why don't you move to retro land then, you yuppy
  14. No. Instead of watching it, spend more hours thinking about if you should watch it
  15. I'm back. Is thor going to be spectacular for me? The first one sucked.
  16. Ho. If comebacks weren't so 90s, I'd say this is one zinger.
  17. Lol. This gaming post contradicts the one before. It seems like you have a healthy gaming life. Perhaps you're only gaming 4 hours a week, but I see you talk about so many games. also, u respond to posts asap all day. I think there's three of you, and you're not telling us
  18. Where does gd find the time to work and game and be the best version of ourselves all at the same time?
  19. I've seen this on Netflix. Was about to click on it. Will queue it up. And watch it later when I'm not sick of grey men in gray suits.
  20. Did you like the first season? I feel this captures its feeling well so I don't see why a fan wouldn't like. I'm on episode 6 or so, and the only complaint so far is [Hide]`~~~[/hide] I like the characters and feel /setting of the show in general so I'm good so far.
  21. Ya but Jill is a girl and has big tits, so that gets major points.
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