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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. There's more to value of people than baseless 3rd grade trolling, which you are obsessed with. I'd take some smart sane posters who I really got to know over these trash that you idolize and give your iq away to
  2. Unfortunately I stopped gaming now. Been a good month. But I did chip 100 pages into that book. Should def try and put in 100 more. Ffxv was dope though. Put 300 hours into that.
  3. remember the guy who called everyone Plebs? What was his name??
  4. that was special. how does a man do that? I think it was litereally over 2,002 posts or something. We counted. I counted.
  5. Words are words. Humans have a story language culture emotions, and most of all, a tree didn't register here on system wars. Post pictures of yourself, stupid.
  6. That spoiler makes no sense anyways. I'm not sure you need it. What a game.
  7. Omg Cooke, they are just pictures of trees.
  8. Real world is life. I love reality tv shows so I can't say no
  9. Oooh, low likes something Japanese, and it has nothing to do with me.; ( get a fucking life, loser. Lol. It's basically a very tame Japanese version of real world. It's in a language I study so it works for me.
  10. Still here. And I still give no fucks about it but it's funny how bitter angry I make all you fucks with just a post. Ran out the forum? Bitch I been posting more consistently than 99% of the users. I'm literally STILL at this forum when you came back And you're just a troll account who no one knows who's alt you were. Don't seem to remember you at all. Why not make a poll? Lowtcp vs sheepkilla.
  11. Dialogue seems a bit much. And 10 hours over 100 seems a bit of a terrible ratio.
  12. Lmfao. Considering you know who I am no matter the username, I'm a legend.
  13. Truno did flip. I remember that too. Ghostz was good at not being racist but saying racist things. It happened. You just weren't logged in. It happened around that same year or two too.
  14. Lol true but there was one day he really did go soft. You probably weren't logged in that day. "I'm just a nice guy; ( " he said, and logged off for 3 days. I understand he was a cerebral troll who was tough to break
  15. No one mentioned xeternity or the time I made shadow Mario break character and ban himself for a few days. I didn't participate in any cyber bullying, but alas N-i-ggers =/= niggas tho.
  16. How did that conversation go? Do you remember any quotes? Ya, I was a pretty friendly dupe back then. Not sure why people started so many fights.
  17. I helped shail kiss his first girl by coaching his "game/self-esteem" over the course of 3 weeks of aim conversations, no joke.
  18. Terrace House. Taishi-sensei is trying to find a love [so strong] it/that kills. He's got one last chance.
  19. Lol you can get mad you can't follow the subject matter all you want but that doesn't make you not wrong.
  20. That pic with Toronto and Chicago in the back has me rolling the most.
  21. よく話させなんよな。 もったいないよ! 日本語頑張れ!!
  22. モンキーさん! おまえのかい? めっちゃ久しぶりやん!おかえりどうぞ!!
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