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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. Mass Effect 1 is like good ghetto crack. Witcher 3 is like Qualudes man.
  2. FF13-2. It's not bad. Has an interesting system and addictive short-burst gameplay. You can generally finish 'a mission' in just a few minutes. Way too many monsters I don't know what to do with. And the level up system is designed so that you never have to farm and you somehow almost-always have more points than you imagined. But for some reason I'm not maxed out, but it feels like I've been overleveled, so that's kind of cool how they built that.
  3. ^ ugh even the name of that game sounds dry. Game of Hoes.
  4. currently watching life go by as my back acne sticks to the wall.
  5. what's the indoor free-roam like? still waiting for a game that gets that right. -- I have put 15-20 hours into FF13-2. It's not bad. LOL that's all I'm hoping for. The fighting system is cool, and you have to unlock everything, and you really pick what to unlock at your own discretion so that's cool. Also an ok balance of cutscenes and grinding.... though, I'd really love to see a fucking town right now. Just a town. A PEACEFUL TOWN NAGN IT.
  6. can you capture stuff on a PS3? I've put over 100 hours into GTA5. Breh I put 262 hours into FF13: P. 3. I think this is how I want to play games from now on.
  7. lol page 4 was so ugly 2 new members got confident enough to post thier pics.
  8. nighitngowl and omega are the new indiasian
  9. you look gay. reporting you to all the dark haired people I know. Will tell them you like nintendo and said something about bitches. I WILL FIND YOU. that's cool tho _* man'd up. you 39 or some shit??
  10. no one cares what your face is rtard. 8 people post here.
  11. i bet you play Witcher 3 linear style. or what do you do? I would 180* turn around the second the game starts, head to the farthest locale I can find and try and break the game by playing it inside-out. There's no other way.
  12. Star Ocean 4: International Version JPN版 like a boss・
  13. the only nongay post on this page. can you all please put a fucking shirt on.
  14. hah. old ladies in corsets and boring ass men keep talking in british accents but you can't tell one character from the other.
  15. and a terrible old genre. haven't seen a lick of it myself.
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