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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. you're so gay man. did your dick shrink 1.5 or 2 inches? I wanna buy a weaboo game. but I'm scared. please tell me first.
  2. Death Note really comes into mind. I almost didn't even wanna watch the last 5 eps of the season, cuz I was like, "whut?? lol. the entire 26 eps 2 seasons I just invested into this thing, has all been completely and entirely replaced, to a new arch. wait a minute. huh?" lol it was cool tho. this show and a couple others are really harping off death notes braniac type shit. audience members like it. actually in ep 2, I thought "they should really look at their surroundings before entering the game." sure enough, the bus was labeled GOAL. I think
  3. no one is caring if what he's done is legal or not here. that's not the debate. I think the question is was he purposely inciting violence, bigotry, hate, even the capitol attack, and has he made america way fucking worse. and the answer to ALL that is yes. not even close to what a president should be. I am going to think this further and even say he's completely divided this country. Half racists. Half not. And that's not going to go away easy. Unless we are lucky. I kno it's hard to have to try and understand minorities doopo, but you should try partying with
  4. I would have stopped there. Dynacrippled seems to almost understand what a President has been fucking doing. His entire run had nothing to do with making america great again. Our Economy tanked. Covid was handled poorly. And he has made sadly a big available population of white folk white supremacist again. That shoulda been his hat slogan.
  5. you won't disown white supremacy and the most deliberately immature "president" in history, likely anywhere. your "political convictions" make you a POS. trump shoulda had a tv show about politics at best. and even that show is for white supremacists.
  6. I remember when the right threw a fucking fit the day Obama wore a tan suit. Like how dare this color'd come in the house all liquorish. And Deena spazzing "he did't do anything." Trump's entire campaign has been fanning white supremacists and people so insensitive to the minority. And he's used violent language on top. His rallies are WWE shows. And last week was the perfect result of the totality of how braihwashed he's egged his despicable deplorable followers on. His final rants actually told his cronies to take the capitol, and threatened how scary they're gonna be, pretty much. Shit's
  7. deena cup, do you honestly believe Trump hasn't attempted to rile up the spirits of bigots. & his word choices, dog whistling, was not ,.. way more upsessed with him and causing chaos than, oh,.. trying to make America better? I'm wasting my time but, you think he just happened to say things like "oh when you arrest some of these thugs, just rough them up!" WHO do you think a line that spurred? He's supposed to be the fucking president. Not a troll.
  8. we're not asking about legal matters. we're asking if he has been a piece of shit. actually legally he probably did do something wrong, because of the high platform of his job. you're a bafoon. This guy, has been the closest president we've had in recent years to incite and invite bigotry and violence. He's been amping his people up for years. "my interpretations are irrelevant." niggah he got exactly what he wanted. You're a bootlicking fucking bafoonry cunt. your lack of interpretation or denial is frightening.
  9. \are you serious bro? do you hink he's gonna baltantly say "attack" you know what dog whistling means? "We will march on the capitol. the people will be heard. and they won't be treated unfairly. They will be heard for a LONG TIME. We will fight. And something about Mike pence." you're fucking retarded.
  10. fighting for racial equality and systematic abuse of power, after being told "stop kneeling during mah footbawll game," is way worse than I'm armed and in the capitol, because my racist president lost and I don't believe you. What do you even mean? not ignoring the way George flloyd was murdered, is WAY worse, than,.. simply pointing out you read a thing about "Chyna" getting money, and pretending you know how the entire global government market works., and using that as your excuse for violen
  11. it's worse to attack the capitol armed because you feel like it, than to finally flip a switch after the 30th public death of a civilian, and the entire country denying Race., since forever. Yah okay dude.
  12. this is some evil vodoo shit being played. What in the fuck. Does trump and Pence still move in the same room? the nikkah trump festered a self-cou'p just so his one-day boss can't Fire him for 1 day. death. intimidation. mind games. a woman shot. I don't now Pence's entire reasoning, but that is fucking sad if he is 1000% aware trump asked for his crowd to kill him//go at him, and he feared retaliation and it worked.
  13. #1 He called Nigerian immigrants and the country a shithole country. Dude, Nigeria has been through A LOT, because of the great ol' white. And actually, their immigrants are some of the most hardest working people, and nowadays, they even surpass average college IQ test scores compared to Europeans (look it up. there's a city in Nigeria where motherfuckers are wallopping tests., even using westernized tests and standards). That is after all that colonialism African dictatorship, etc. etc. For the record, I think the entire continent o
  14. I saw that today. Actually looks like fun. LOL when they figured out the balcony and stairs are a good way to climb up. Sounds like security brought absolutely nothing that day. "Hello? Mooom? Yah, I was a badass1- excuse me , - yeah. I was one of the first ones in!"
  15. looks like a prequel to death stranding. made by Dead Space developers. Also looks lame as fuck.
  16. "every time I get these strangers to respond to me, while I'm all alone and active all day, is a win for my ego."
  17. absolutely. brought out the worst in good liberals too. feek he makes me mad lol. shit was a cartoon. his opening Rally was book out of North Korea/Hitler no joke. Blatant attacks at certain folks, and no one batted an eye lid. a fucking wall, that was never built, and folks were just like "yup yp. reality." thing is tho, trump let us see that HALF of America has been secretely racist dude. I honestly that was a smaller number. like 10 million or 20 million max.
  18. yah, good people. totally mentally harmless. i'm shock he spelled it correctly.
  19. why does Jerry re-spell his name like a black DeShaun mint irish copycat? Stick to your lane man.
  20. lol there's no way, i would assume you're making 180k. When was the last time you were making 59K? be honest. that's dope tho. aren't you too old to enjoy all that money? ( ). outsideof just saving it, I think I would be a recluse making 120k+ a year. (yes I know you are saying you make about 180k). 手取り? after tax income?
  21. i don't like you dude. you've lost any joyful respect or friendship shit from me. long ago. and it ain't coming back. you're just trash like a couple other people. & only retard bragging and not making sense was you. ----- anywho aza, I am genuinely curious what Russia's like. Do y'all actually grow up learning Russian grammar and reading russian book assignments and shit? etc. how far advanced do people get in English after high school and college?
  22. English is technically my 2nd language. You can blow me harder boi.
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