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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. My FF LR disc croaked after 256 hours. Was gonna beat it on hard mode too, and beat the last super boss (aeronite, for anyone who even knows 'the fuck I'm talking about). Currently playing with GTA5 but I ordered some Japanese p0rn across the seas, so once that gets there, it's straight tentacle time for this dexterous multitasker (i'm jacking off). Actually, i did not order porn but the games are in Japanese. In Japanese. wow so cool.
  2. well FF 13: LR broke. So can't play that anymore. Moving on to GTA5. Have to re-do up to the first heist, though. lol the entire fuck.
  3. I just watch Japanese comedy/variety shows. (not anime that's drull). Then sometimes I'll pop in an Anglais Documentary.
  4. I win you. https://mtc.cdn.vine.co/r/videos/4C999AF8EB1103633013650407424_19e18211a99.3.2.mp4?versionId=jlrTVnU3cmTBf_1bnsclkoCfwou9bd9t
  5. I can't help but hurt myself and others. I feel inadequate. Need to feel like the big bully in a forum full of 6 people. lol you're sad.
  6. - all you have to do is stop harassing other posters, actually post content and be in a neutral mood until insulted.
  7. lol get off my dick faggot. Stop blaming your shitty, lonely life on me. I didn't do anything to you. ain't no one blaming anything -- my life's fine. You seem to cry more about it than me. you're a dicktwat tick who needs to be flamed and ridden of. I'll be on your dick till you stop acting like a chimp.
  8. you are diseased. not only a e-stalker but now you wanna be a real one.
  9. you're so happy and positive. fucking christ someone ban this child.
  10. ^ another remus bleedfest. did Z bring you up first too? Alphonse grow some balls and ban this cunt. At least his other personalities don't viciously seek out others. Shit's sad & terrible.
  11. No one is posting but me, you, ghosts, and chimp. hmmm. funny.
  12. completely unrelated but the N64 literally exclusively hosts the best 10 games of all time -- with a wiiide fucking edge.
  13. you ever going to make $$$ with all this shit? I think it's cool, following your interest and craft. Hope you find a way to make a living then one day get rich off it.
  14. that Wii U is pretty. MK8 gets old after 2 months. You've been warned.
  15. I understood. "you should get some people to talk to. " why do you think I posted it here. :|D I guess he meant people who liked you. He meant people IRL doodoo brain. But you knew that. That's why you act like an e-thug here. Too much of a bitch IRL. Get your teeth knocked in 40 year old grump.
  16. I understood. "you should get some people to talk to. " why do you think I posted it here. :|D
  17. In case you missed how this started: His bisexual dream that doesn't make him feel gay but splooges his bi-god penis. LOL this fag wasn't talking to chimp. (no one ever talks to chimp, y'all notice that?) That miserable jigaboo really thinks he intelligent and shit with his basic ass thoughts and shit. wasn't talking to chimp. PM's me at 8am to insult me.
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