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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. lmfao fucking racist pos. and you say I hate blacks. I'll see you again in a week when you wake up feeling like shit.
  2. lmfao you don't hold grudges. so this morning you didn't wake up, send dirt and your misery at Zwarrior and me, then wait for more responses? why the fuck are we even having this conversation? Is it because you sent not one but two vile messages my way after I ignored the first one? nigga go die. You're a chimp cuz you're a chimp. Funny how you can't stop sending hate everyone's way. One can only hope you get fired tomorrow.
  3. I knew this would happen. Next time I'll re-word my shit so people don't get butthurt. and NO, I've never seen a "Are there humans on other planets?" discussion nor the notion. It's always aliens --- and it's always been assumed the birth of man is here on Earth.
  4. towards each other? You know chimp signs on here every 2-3 days, sends vile snipes @ members, oh and here comes the cumguzzler right now to write something hateful. dude's a professional gremlin, troll. Why don't you start paying attention. --beef made a thread about me every day 3 days straight this last time I ignored him ffs. Nah, muhfuckas take out their miserable heat on Low -- obviously I make them feel inferior. They ain't picking on jimbo. Their ego is threatened but their ego is stupid enough to make them believe they're smarter or better than me in any way.
  5. plus holy shit do you know what a hypothesis or just plain the point of conversation is? It's called "cool idea. but I think this." "i've thought before -- what about this??" then move on. not chasing after my balls like rabid cuntlords thirsty for e-hate. Ya I'm done. fuck y'all. You can keep chimp.
  6. no... i had no problem with the astrologer/astronomer mistake. the conversation went fine between me, blazzin and a couple other people. meanwhile fagcunts like you and beef tried copping attitudes. Soo... go fuck yourself. Don't pretend to be nice to me when you're not.
  7. harassing posters is fun. wonder why no one posts anymore. y'all fucking suck.
  8. I'll just keep it simple: yous a hateful chimp. something is seriously wrong with you.
  9. how does average intelligence place 90% in math and 90% in writing since 3rd grade? lmfao suck my cock, you ugly faggot. same recycled bait. JPN is the 2nd hardest language for English speakers. Yes, I picked an obscure language on purpose, as a challenge. Go Fuck yourself. You know my dad's name -- you made a thread about it. You are a forever angry and likely forever alone. Get back to work chimp.
  10. That miserable jigaboo really thinks he intelligent and shit with his basic ass thoughts and shit. I am intelligent - I remember all my test scores and placements - have only met one person who speaks JPN better than me and he's been there for 6 years. I have no accent or rather a Kansai accent and I'm not even trying. 90% placement in math since 3rd grade. Better writing skills (though your sad miserable trolling is rather fine). You are an unemployed chimp spending your morning seething at me - a fat basement dwelling faggot. Or you're at 39 year old lonely cum
  11. well this conversation's over. chimp how long can your vagina bleed? cram that shit up your mouth and STFU for once. :witless:
  12. Americans just talk about aliens, and I am the only one with a brain.
  13. lmao wtf are you talking about? You are not the only one with a human brain. everyone's quick to say 'aliens!' but rather it's more likely there are other fish and humans, considering that's the genetic make up of this universe.
  14. actually, considering the genetic make-up of the universe, it's more likely there other humans out there way the fuck elsewhere (and likely..?) than that there are aliens. lol how come no one talks about maybe there's another Earth just like this one. maybe thousands or a million years ahead of ours civilization. (but if so, they would/may have found us. ya know we be searching the sky for radio signals left from others).
  15. His bisexual dream that doesn't make him feel gay but splooges his bi-god penis.
  16. africans are. -- the gov./criminals are hooooooooorrrrrible though.
  17. He's red, like native; and is a bud with lots of budd. that's apparently racist. lol. *rolls eyes*
  18. 4 inch penis 200k posts unhealthy obsession with the taste of my e-dick fucking kill yourself. Handsome Horse. lfamo you're 6 feet tall now. I can't imagine the sad life you really live.
  19. lol you two are filth right now. Nigglet Remus. you are an unhappy and ugly troll.
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