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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. 5'8. I like my build atm. I've been up to 165 as well. So long as I dont look skinny and I got some muscles going I'm good.
  2. I am in the 150s. maybe even 148. But I continue working out so I look lean.
  3. this life is cray jimbo. don't feel bad. you should get a Wii U bro
  4. what you lmao'ing at. my joke? or balb's pic, or balb's joke.
  5. what better to kiss you on. ('with' sounded better but grammatically incorrect? :concern: )
  6. I keep One-hunnit, all-day-everyday. I'm proud of anally consolidated btw.
  7. I'm playing the MK8 lobby room 'cuz AINT. NO . ONE IN THIS. MUGG..
  8. no, you wont faggot. came to try and assess some power after losing on all fronts?
  9. buff jesus. I'm getting a gym membership again on May 2nd. May I catch up to your godliness (godly ass?)
  10. and though they improved the compass (it tilts, letting you see much farther towards your destination) you still spend the majority of your time staring/driving through the compass rather than actually aware of the environments they built. also the game doesn't encourage you to really spelunk around the environment. sad sad. It's just drive important location to location. *I would've x'd the compass entirely, had a transparent marker on the road for specific paths and/or a beam in the horizon for locations. I would've also done something with the gameplay that encourages real e
  11. in GTA5, i'm doing a street race. why da fuq does Franklin FALL OUT of the car doors whipping open and all if I crash too hard? I'm not hitting triangle or 'exit' as far as I know. anyone? NEEED ME.
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