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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. you're black, so it doesn't count. *cough* my parents were told that with their Masters degrees from Germany. *Cough*
  2. lol balbadour looks exactly like I imagined him. I also imagined a short-haired more punk version of the same guy.
  3. loll no. you're not listening. I've laid off cigs for a week plenty of times. Not even a daily smoker now ffs. I've never coughed up anything. I don't have smokers cough. Started smoking tobacco 6 years ago. Let's just say I'm a well-oiled machine. I'm even finally quitting alcohol It's been 10 glorious days.
  4. shocked at what exactly? I breathe fine. and I pay for my cigs now. still only do 0 or 1-2 a day. haven't had any today, won't be anywhere convenient to smoke, no problem. that's how it works. I just get 'em from friends or if I'm in a busy town and I want one.
  5. lol do explain. I'm guessing I don't cough up tar because I have healthy lungs, never smoked more than a pack a week, and cut back recently. I tried to finagle a smoke night tonight, but I just ended up playing some frisbee with some friends, and soon to just head home to a nice meal and rest with some family. Oh what a night. Also, the call for booty is a retched life. Had to listen to some chics brag/complain about guys who hit on them @ the bus stop.
  6. they started smoking cigarettes? Haven't had a real cig in over a week now. lol So emotional. do you try to sound like a cold heart-less bastard on purpose? You such a bitch you're scared to show emotion at all. walls up bigger than TGW of China. I dont try anything. I just reply accordingly. so you have no personality. got it. you really dont get how it works do you do some reading on what happens to your lungs I don't cough up tar. (I'm posting like chimp)
  7. they started smoking cigarettes? Haven't had a real cig in over a week now. lol So emotional. do you try to sound like a cold heart-less bastard on purpose? You such a bitch you're scared to show emotion at all. walls up bigger than TGW of China.
  8. fucking gross. I've been " a smoker" for 6 years, and I smoke 0-2.5 every other day. Haven't bought a PACK since thanksgiving. You should've moderatted brah.
  9. what is wrong with you. cigarettes are the daily breaks in this cruddy life. Spoiler cigarettes and weed man. I'm giving up alcohol. the fun is done.
  10. I want a cigarette. why does Remy saying "you're welcome" even come across as cold, curt and mean. God I hate that nigga.
  11. my balls have dreads dangling. then balls danging from those dreads. NIKKA. --- VGK got BANNED? lmfao what did he say? and THERE IS A GOD. ----- NIKKA.
  12. I didn't make the pic. the fact that you'd join forces with chimp, and go against me, the only member who didn't bully your sorry ass, says way more. and the fact you'd come back just to, once again, whine about me. Damn I make all y'all faggots wet don't I.
  13. lmfao. you are so angry. Maybe you need to suck a dick.
  14. and i'm still more positive than you ever have the balls to be. No one likes you here. You like no one here. Just go sign the fuck off already holy fuck, are you this starved for any attention. Go fucking meditate you miserable cunt.
  15. in more positive news, Stephen Hawkings Into the Universe is some shiiiz. Just caught a new episode on Netflix. Imma be theorizing the fundemental existence of the universe forever.
  16. women on bp.com voted bad photoshops of me with my head superimposed on somebody elses body and dildo's in the background higher that remy but he's big pimpin it with his PSP in the club. All the sw nerd virgins fear him. He is.... the 40 year old cunt. lol This ****a wanted to hold my dick. ;( lmfao overdrive overcompensating hateful giant turd.
  17. don't make fun of remy guys. It's bad enough he's the most over-compensating member of system wars. never has he been nice to no one. never has he opened his cum-lips to do anything other than suck the fun out everything around him.
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