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Everything posted by kokujin

  2. ... don't you hate when you're out with your friends (I'M BLACK YO) and they ask you this question -? ''hey can you raap. can you freestryre'' the fuck homie.
  3. it's a vine.. that you apparently don't get. :( Spoiler thank ya jimmies.
  4. lol ignore chimp. seriously. nigga's tar black ugly on the outside and in. With a mind like that, he passionately hates his life and could tell us all 6 reasons why.
  5. and the chimp comes chattering. you love your life, really?
  6. originally I thought so but I was just making sure. eventually I got carried away. And then i wanna always so more things and all of a sudden it was that long.
  7. lol 5 BARS. but you can tell he's aware of what he's doing though when it raps even when it's corny. and even the corny parts are artistically done. It's Kevin Hart, don't sleep on his improv skills, or him as a casual fan. I can tell by the type of black person, face-wise, everything he is. I can tell you the whole background in why he can rap to the amount he does and how much his "rapping" is good or get credit. Yeah he's not great, or a freestyle talent (lol hmm, yet, etc.) but he's finely good enough to do it sarcastically and well. And he's a funny I think 3/4ths intelligent
  8. you will always feel yourself feeling yourself feeling. Essensially, always. Our celebral cortex/thread of consciousness is much like a fractal.
  9. in an unrelated post warning, some of you will squirm with gay.
  10. it really is. I have no idea wtf you could be doing with 2 hours. you could work out 30 minutes and you would still see good gains. It's more about tiring out your muscles/going hard on just 1-3 sets and then eating. And repeating this process.
  11. so you're losing muscle and strength, from not working out and you're proud? I don't get it.
  12. why would you wanna lose weight as a man? I've been doing free-gym, just using some free weights my bro has. every other day + eating my normal diet. keeps my titties, arms and shoulders looking full. surprisingly, lean and natural is way better and easier than pigging out + trying to LIFT BRO. At least for me. If I keep seeing gains for a year this is way better.
  13. nah. It's earned. When you're young, you got a lot of emotions fueling you, you have shit understanding the world let alone shit responsbilities and expectations upon yourself. and things haven't gotten grim, old or predictable yet. You lack any real understanding, so to speak. Which is cool/good you can experience a lot of cool random shit. but once you're not as ignorant, and your BUBBLY EMOTIONS have settled, and you have a more rigid/logical understanding of the world, i think happiness is earned. I would replace happiness with sense accomplishment and satisfaction o
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