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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. your orange you glad joke ain't original and it's more than 15 years old. you bummed it from someone else. what are you talking about Jimmy?
  2. lol there were so many other better ones. this now be the thread to post nonsense.
  3. http://www.buzzfeed.com/awesomer/husbands-cant-be-trusted-to-do-anything-right
  4. I never understood why nerdy do-goods do their folly best to learn silly out-there terms in their native language (English). 'OMG I USED THE WORD GAD IN SCRABBLE' and whatnot. if you're gonna put that type of effort into it... learn another language.
  5. nigga you look like you smell like cigarettes, dried paint and mop water Oh shit, socks and sandals. I laughed. that's funny. and true. the chill guy with socks and sandels himself that just daps him. yo that's me son.
  6. keep thinking about all of us, brah. you have no one during the holidays, do you?
  7. go fuck yourself. You entered the NBA thread a few days back because you got so desperate I was ignoring you for a few days. lmfao now you got tears over me doing the same to you. Chimpy. you are king ****** of unprovoked attacks on posters. DIE.
  8. lol I believe that was after you got so desperate you came in the NBA thread to talk shit. (a thread you've never posted in). Which was after you edited this post here to spread more shit. Chimp stinks. both you and Z seem to think insults and negative attention is attention. Sleeazy lonesome fuckers.
  9. Dyed your hair, huh? that's cute. do you even realize how much spit and tears you've wasted on me? happy holidays Chimp. This may be our last one. I hope you finally get arrested, mugged, pierced in your soul-less heart. And not a single person will genuinely miss your rat ass. And I think you know.
  10. everyone takes out their shit day on Z today it seems. it's like you monkeys can't understand your own behavior. and before you chump away @ my post, think again. He's verbally attacked me for a while. 4 of you nutsacks in a row chimp'd out on him. my point is. Humanity will never grow when stupid behavior like this is never reflected on and looked at. I find it alarming at how fake and unelightened people are nowadays. It drives me sick!
  11. 40 year old chiimp. Nigga just die already. No one here enjoys your posts or comments.
  12. lol you care far too much about me. last time I cried was probably the last time you didn't hate yourself and everyone else. online bully. 38 year old chiiimp. Take care of yourself dude . stop reminiscing about me 24/7. when ya gonna give it up.
  13. let's compare each other in 10 years bud. if I'm still bullying kids online and a POS like you, then you win. If I'm spreading the culture and person I am lovely and with a beautiful woman or two, then I win. again, you dumb as rocks because I do have girls in my life. But it's not the be-end-all of me, and oh maybe I'm doing something way more important.
  14. hmm so why are you so miserable still? I seem to be way more positive than you. sorry but I've had intimate contact with girls too, yet apparently you find that to be the only measure of value of who you are. i lived with someone for a few months too. left when I had better shit to do. You are more obsessed with me than pussy ffs you a POS regardless of how much sex you have that's funny.
  15. says the 37 year old who "dates" girls in their 20s. yet to be in any real relationship.
  16. you live in a basement with 3 fake sw accounts and 120k posts. lmfao and your'e obbsessed with a "semi virgin" in MN who you've never met, but have probably dedicated 12k posts to. Ya you're happy and swimming in pussy. lol sad dude .
  17. lol somthing wrong with culture when a black ch- mp tells you nigga please for discussing, observing, and sharing. nigga you suck. so hard.
  18. interesting points. i feel my vibe (i already told you), is not going to be comfy let'sfuck vibe. you said 60 chics. I'm not so sure I can even connect to 60 chics and want to sleep with them by the end of it. too much intelligence, thought, timiddness, etc. *and shalowness. If we could all wanna fuck the 7s, we would all be fine* I think you would agree as a guy, if you bring said weird vibe, there's really not much you can do about it. For the sake of "man talk," I find I can attract "7s" now with ease. Talking to a few right now. Maybe I'll get back out there again and try to
  19. maybe I made that about me. you've had the experience tho to have a different opinion. I know I am not a 60 girls guy. too picky for my own good. i think I'm right with the other stuff. but I should borrow from the 'easy-going' positivity that you brought to all of those 60 girls, so to speak. Hmmm.
  20. interesting points. i feel my vibe (i already told you), is not going to be comfy let'sfuck vibe. you said 60 chics. I'm not so sure I can even connect to 60 chics and want to sleep with them by the end of it. too much intelligence, thought, timiddness, etc. *and shalowness. If we could all wanna fuck the 7s, we would all be fine* I think you would agree as a guy, if you bring said weird vibe, there's really not much you can do about it. For the sake of "man talk," I find I can attract "7s" now with ease. Talking to a few right now. Maybe I'll get back out there again and try to
  21. girl version of this advice: "like...stand in line.. and he will come and do everything and invite you over to his place!! Um... play with your hair and smile!!"
  22. fucking this goon does drugs after being around his family.
  23. good morning chimp. hungover? I love how you spent thanskgiving drunk thinking about all of us.
  24. I never said it was simple, in fact I said it's fruit loops for the male, but basically you're stupid because there is. I don't think you have a batshit clue what me or MWASH are talking about. you're welcome to suck asian dicks though.
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