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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. ^^ you put all that together and I don't see a compromise at all. Sure I should probably be more positive about it. but actually I lately am seeing why I'm so unique and now see even clearer how it becomes counter-intuitive to this area. And it's a god damn shame because I'm not unique for shit reasons. Just different qualities where the sum of them do not encourage hooking up. again, a girl can be herself. We judge her on her physical appearance. The negatives end there. She literally has to be a bitch undeserving of it to fuck it up. A man has to cunningly become [somewhat]
  2. which goes to me last point, men have to worry about "vibe manipulation." (I agree with this, unless the girl is so beneath you it does not matter what you do) even if she's in your same league, you must manipulate. Because an honest profess of love brings up sissy clinger vibes. Thus she is incapable of taking you seriously unless you, UGGGH. a girl's "vibe manipulation" is to physically look the same as from when you first see her. Wow that sounds hard. Basically her tit must fall out for her to fail. Not only that, is she forgiven for bad character qualities, becaus
  3. holy shit i was right about being white, tall, and dumb enough to be on their social level. by dumb enough I was also insulting them because you gotta lower-the-bar to keep them entertained and comfortable. fuckin' ell. There's no honesty in any of this. All manipulation. I sort've knew, but damn. I thought ppl gave a fuck about doing the right thing vs. what feels like the "right" thing.
  4. he bothers these girls at the bar to talk flirt then go sleep with him. he's dumb enough to socialize on their level. it's not strangely hard to understand. Chimp does the same thing to college girls 15 years younger than him. I'm sure he uses his dogbreath and anger to his advantage.
  5. there's no secret. he's still fairly tall and white, thus fitting many demographics. he has done the work enough to be 'charasmatic' and 'social' in a sense of bringing girls home. I'm sure they're not all bangers and I'm sure he fails a lot.
  6. Do not address me. My love for you is dead like this forum.
  7. llmfao nigga looks homeless. there's even a white person handing him change on the left.
  8. lol now this abused loser wants a piece. you fuckers are weird. why would you even stand up for remscum. just sad. you just ruined a great opportunity. Now you've motivated the gorilla to keep being himself. I can tell why people don't like you.
  9. i always have a tone of serious introstuff. my current theory is I just have more energy/cells than a few others, so it's harder to tone down. all in all, people must experience the same things -- just to different degrees. Even with this I enjoy the extra intelligence and 4/5 times I have a good time socially too (use to be way less). It's just I gotta maneuver a little differently as to have a good time/not creep ppl out/use my strong-connection-ness to good and enter into fun and good conversations/times. I get a goodmix. I KNOW I project hard though. Actually african cultu
  10. i don't mean to fight. i actually think about social interaction more than most. if you're going that route, I've had some weird (i shouldn't even be saying/remind myself this) wicked stuff happen to me lately. I definitely think in reference to my last post "thought about it too much" is very real. I am luckily still very extroverted too, but my introverted thoughts make being extroverted much harder. they are just too heavy. In the right time/place.
  11. you're a fucking idiot lol. way to miss the point. こいつドバカ 
  12. I'm always crazy/annoying as shit when I want to be.. I had to flip the mask up when I needed to power chug (didn't think that whole mask, drinking part through) but I got my buddies band to play Iron Man for me while I pranced around like an idiot. Although, everytime I high fived someone or smacked them in the face/ass my arc fx noise went off.. that was pretty funny. lmfao sounds legit. muhahah. Hey Chimp diva. I'm doing it again. how dare I be nice to people.? It must be a coon dance in your miserable eyes.
  13. lol one innocent post and the 2 thugs ch--mp out. you proved my point as well.
  14. MIndWash posts a pic, gets sucked off. Z posts a pic, entire forum calls him a stick figure and to go kill himself. I post something thought-provoking, worst case, only thought-provoking to me, and this monkey goes irrate. 'how dare you make me think beyond the shit i spit out my mouth with muh friends!!" and the things that get the most attention here are circle-jerks and flamebait & racism. I know this forum is a 'parody' of real life but this is precisely the problem. 60% of you fail as human beings. You don't allow others to thrive. You know you're not
  15. wtf is wrong with you? have you never had real friends before? you and z warrior are the saddest motherfuckers on Sesame Street. ;( bubub the truth Sheshimi Street. lol does thinking scare you? jeesus. i think you're actually pretty sad here. lmfao not surprised said post only brings out the stupid lynch mobs, scares away any discussion, and I'm completely understood by said frankenstein above.
  16. Phaser gets two compliments. Z gets an insult. Even from you.
  17. socializing is kind of fake tho. I notice it's no fun meeting ppl after the first couple times. and how do ppl do that whole group fake have a good time every time they see each other shit? isn't socializing merely a distraction to keep us from realizing how useless we are? what is your goal or purpose in a social setting? has anyone spent mental time breaking down what socializing is? I used to think people just did it for the adrenaline pings you get when you make a funny & timely comment. Or others are so simple that akward conversation and poop jokes make them laugh.
  18. MGS4 was a classic and first of its kind for the series. How can you hate? I enjoyed it. It's better than breaking bad.
  19. stellar writer. more effective than 97% of this forum, no doubt. I'll slip my semi in your colon what about me, big boy? B-2 Gays. we might be gay but i bet you have had more dicks in your mouth than both of us combined technically true, but I'm as straight as a feather.
  20. stellar writer. more effective than 97% of this forum, no doubt. I'll slip my semi in your colon what about me, big boy? B-2 Gays.
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