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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. Sentences are separated by a period(not a comma douchebag).
  2. I just http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uuw01ojNEBw you realize "h" doesn't count as vowel-ey enough to use an, right? see, this is precisely how ignorantly stupid you are. on the fancy little things that you try to hard to convince us you can do. you fuck up the most basic things without even realizing it.
  3. i know you're a sexy greek goddess and all, but leave huckeberry bleach fin alone.
  4. try hard bitch. go ahead and mistress over 11 years of posts and see what else you can make a joke about. jester jiggilo. you are a chimp and no one should take you serious.
  5. your self-racist ass would get a kick out of that, I bet. nigga you depressed. pick on someone else for a change.
  6. lol you live in jail. sit your burnt angry ass back down.
  7. there pics from 2008/2009 summer campwork. pics meant to look silly (like yours). now you got chimp all happy.
  8. befrageen, in all his once-chance glory. Spoiler #smh onechance #smh there.
  9. that thong thong thong thong thong wow some of you guys are veery simple.
  10. this thread reeks of meanness btw. spread love guys. and girl or 2.
  11. did you take any scenic shots? about 1000 pictures.. You should post some. what makes u thin kthat no wai. u so smart.
  12. sorry. how old are you? still playing homophobe games? lmfao you're about as mature as you are not 5'4.
  13. he isn't homeless - he's hopeless. You need to start working out jimbo does? that was such a weird insult. I was actually thinking he already has a nice big frame.
  14. well he also crossdresses, drinks his semen, and who knows what else. dude I just saw the most beautiful behotch and she was in my office and now she's gone. :( worst feeling ever.
  15. So I can look like everyone else? No thanks. I'll pass. I'd rather stand for what's right - freedom. huh? you already look like everyone else you silly the point is to look better than everyone else. you think your beard and hair are making you different? lol lmao i enjoy the perspective. good points. but his beard and hair make him FEEL different. Don't ruin the fun and cheapen the thrill for the guy. tho I would agree, deciding to just let it ruff out with his tuff out is a rather exclusive style, that he would lose should he cut it.
  16. apparently you and zslum don't know jimbo. are you both fucking retarded or do you think everyone tries to dress the same?
  17. lmao you create a group then exclusively ban others. lol faggots. good plot.
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