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Posts posted by kokujin

  1. 4 minutes ago, kazpunk said:

    srsly stop that shit, english is taught in school but nobody talks that shit outside their native language. you went off on me about that too and said we speak english :kaz:  


    how fucking dumb can you be? :kaz:  learning how to speak japo is an easy task, my bro. get over yourself. 


    if it's so easy go do it and shut he fuck up already. I wasn't even talking about myself you lonely virgin. 

  2. Just now, kazpunk said:

    srsly stop that shit, english is taught in school but nobody talks that shit outside their native language. you went off on me about that too and said we speak english :kaz:  


    how fucking dumb can you be? :kaz:  learning how to speak japo is an easy task, my bro. get over yourself. 


    what is your fucking issue man? I can't help you. I said "he can do better" because he lives in a multi-lingual state you dipshit. I'm asking about russia. I've never been to russia. how the fuck do I know? 


    "nobody talks that shit outside their native language"



    that doesn't even make sense. what the blimey fuck nigga. holy shit fuck yoouu. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Team 2019 said:

    Russian and English. 

    dats sad. I feel like you canna dan better.  



    I'll bite.


    do people formaly russian there? or is it just spoken into your existence growing up? I imagine you formerly learn English in shcool, and then  a lot of commerce and jobs are done in English?


    does the whole country pretty much know English (the adults), and some have fluent russian roots? Can all of y'all read a book a russian right now? Who teaches you the russian grammar formally?

  4. 4 minutes ago, Cooke (not admin cant help said:

    They said I have "very good Chinese tone"


    and then a Chinese guy in the back corner of the class cupped his mouth and said in mandarin "..FOR A WHITE GUY." and the girls giggled and you didn't now the hurt.







  5. 31 minutes ago, Cooke (not admin cant help said:

    I took mandarin in highschool. I was the only white kid in the class, the rest were Chinese kids getting free A's lol




    them sneaky ass ~~~


    lol bless your heart tho. did they make fun of you? did you pronounce chinese better than any of them?  that's crazy lol.  My buddy who reccomended me took JPN in high school. Tho everyone I know that took a language in hs never took it seriously. 

  6. 5 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    so you're saying that you're breaking the mold and AREN'T playing dumb?


    even though I specifically caught you playing dumb when you intentionally tried to change the story.


    common tactic of this forum is to get caught in an obvious contradiction.


    Congrats on being common.

    jesus christ.



    I was not with it, the first time you used the fuckig word, you dumb shit.


    I understand what you're doing, like, I get the retarded logic you used to call jonb1 that without directly saying the slurr to me, or chimp. 



    but "I understand" did not mean it's not wrong.



    Is that not dumb enough for you?  With the exception of pointblank, you have actually been the most racist person in this forum in a long time. You and VGKing are probably butt brothers bro. 

    • Confused 1
  7. common tactic of this forum is to play dumb obtuse and ignorant, so, if//when another poster states the sound obvious. I'm good with quoting them and moving on.




    also you made a black guy whitewashing himself -- and not for the first time -- "joke" in this thread too.  Oh, so I'm not supposed  to be anything outside of rap and hip hop and black things? I should live in a wittle small box? 





    Were you AT the trump Rally? How did they not find you. 

    • Ben 1
  8. I'm gonna play cyber pnk now, but the issue is you used the god damn N word with the hard R you little fun ol bigot. It's bad enough we have this gray zone of should I defend it or not? when white kids use nigg   A.  



    you are probably not racist, but you're a fucking entitled white loon, who used the N word R.  & you wanna mock ghosts gimmick. Tht's funny.


    goodnight faggo. 

    • Haha 1
  9. Just now, jehurey said:

    Sorry, you're not changing the subject.


    You so mad at me, that you tried to bring up the "Jerry calling jonb a House N" event to try and make yourself feel better.


    And you even got caught changing your story in the process.


    Why? Because I laughed a couple of times when liquid was making fun of you?


    I don't think you understand.........seeing how long you keep this up is going to be interesting. I'm not asking you to stop. LOL


    I didn't change my story. and yes, you wanna lick buttsacks with that twerp, you lose respect from me. And anyone watching, if they knew what's right for them. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    actually, you're changing your story.


    because I explained it to you back then, that it was an analogy. And you even said you understood what I was doing.


    But now, you are saying something different, and pretending you didn't get an explanation from me about it.


    Which begs the question: why did you bring up that thing and intentionally change your interpretation of it?


    I think I know why.


    because you actually used a racial slurr a terrible one at that, exclusive sorry, to black folk,


    while ghostz stick is to toe the line of prejudice or racism. and I don't think I've even ever seen him use nikkah or niggah.  at least here. Also I don't like Seinfeld so I have nothing in common with you, so scuse if I chose a different villan to not talk smack to. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    actually, you're changing your story.


    because I explained it to you back then, that it was an analogy. And you even said you understood what I was doing.


    But now, you are saying something different, and pretending you didn't get an explanation from me about it.


    Which begs the question: why did you bring up that thing and intentionally change your interpretation of it?


    I think I know why.



    dear white guy. the problem is not that it's an analogy or not.






    you're retarded. 

    • Geese 1
  12. 4 minutes ago, JonbX said:

    lol when jerry called me a house n word and claimed he would call me that in front of black people. Racist.


    RIGHT wtf.  Jerry wasn't even trying to be an amusing prick. He LITERALLY thought he could just use that word.


    lfmao then to paint up a scenario where he'd say it again in front of a counsel of dissapointed black people:


    smh.  what  a double racist. 

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