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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. more like, i don't like doing f'n surgery but I have to to breathe/be in a relationship. see how that works? jesus christ.
  2. ugh. i can get women. i hate the process. stfu already. i turned them down cuz i don't bleed interest for them. and the only reason I mention that is cuz you sloboz hobos judge a man by how many randoms he's fucking. how thick are you.
  3. ^ bitch please. you and chimp take the cake. so little self worth? I say I'd rather be single than settle, - I believe that's self worth. i say i'm fine with just flirting/the occasional bar make out and you coons go BUBUBU you haven't had intercourse in SIX YEARS. first off I said 5, and I've turned that down as well a couple times in recent memory. I don't think you understand a bit. My dating life/options have improved the past 2 years. I don't need to explain myself to you cunts. I made the mistake of trying. edit: btw, that self-worth bait is pretty disgusting.
  4. Six years ago. Sent from my HTC One I had one ask me out last year. do you get the point fuckass?
  5. dude bro, positive energy, fix your brain/inferiority, confidence, game, pick up skills, be tall, lead, make the move, fuck all.a.girl.needs.is.her.natural.figure. and on top of that, they're fucking lazy. They don't want to love someone they want to be loved by someone. they don't give a F*** about anything else. SURE, they're happy to talk to a positive energy confident dude. Who the fux wouldn't want a sexy attractive person offering you company?? it's 9 to fucking 1 odds of energy and work. This is the damn truth.
  6. chimp n**ger right on time. is that how you see yourself? that explains the self-loathing misery that you project on everyone else. tph, nice of you to be a cool ass nigga. it may be far too late for me, but okay. that's what i'll do, just be, cool ass nigga. btw some people talk/converse for the sake of talking/conversing. I don't. but whatev. I will share my identity more with ppl regardless of what "inferiority COMPLEX" means.
  7. Spoiler sexy mindful-yet-apparently-insecure stud. that's an old pic though. hair's longer/I am now lifting a little bit. sann = Lowtcp btw.
  8. -made eye contact with a chic as I walked into the bar the other night - she sees me later @ the smokers deck, makes eye contact and comes sits next to me (after I properly returned & fixed gaze and say hello/roll the conversation) - she sits aside, we talk, she tells me "I'm too chill," i explain why -- in a non chill manner. she's more interested. stuff's going fine "do I put my hand on her now? to let her know sure it's on? do I kino? do I keep talking?" I don't. It doesn't feel comfortable for me. Yet it's the only thing that would have worked. Eventually she's all fucki
  9. and you know what? I post something personal and real and you use that to call me inferior and insecure? like every human isn't built that way? ya that's the signs of a POS.
  10. actually he's not. but sure, I can settle for 7/10 puss if it was about getting it to prove to other men.
  11. wow i just read that again. tph you are said piece of shit. how are you going to say i do no effort on myself? I do a fuckload than your dirty piratte ass i bet. btw go ahead and clearly fucking say it already -- prety sure you wanna marry xelle.
  12. lol filt Chimp N***r still gross. Get shot. Get an attitude lift. Go DIAF jigga lips.
  13. ubububu - okay okay. eh.. lmao I don't like... being...told... i have to be... the one... to... always...initiate... thus...risk... rejection. i don't like... being...judged...by... how confident/put together i am... when the girl.. is never under scrutiny. Do trust I'm not completely hopeless (The Chipolte chic totally wants me bro). I am learning lots about myself and who I can attract. I'm even going to take your advice and just join more [healthy] conversations again.
  14. ya I should clarify before you cuntrags have a parade. in the past (1-2) year(s) I have turned away about 3-4 chics, for potential relationships. One's in a very committed one right now after not getting that back from me. No sex does not mean no interactions or intimacy. Maybe I'm dumb by wanting hot bar chics then complaining I can't vibe with that criteria but that's me. lfmao that's precisely my point. Keep serving girls dick. "Man up." i will pay attention to this part, only to keep me from being a cynic and unhappy. Only to keep me having some connect
  15. ffs TPH stfu lmfao. You don't know me or what kind of work I do. I do plenty, and I do go to the gym too. :] y'all don't know my sex life. I wasn't bashing xelle by any means in my post. Good you white-knighted her. Why don't you join forces with my e-stalker Chimp and suck my dick.
  16. I've said no to girls hotter than you've dreamt to talking to in that time bro. no intercourse doesn't mean I haven't flirted and made out or gotten a blowjob(s) either. yes xelle is cute. I'd agree. good personality too. Remy's just a man-slut. I don't wanna know the backyard alley hos he's paying.
  17. omfg this is why you're still a virgin twinkie is actually balding in his 20's douche post man , not cool Maybe all these "negs" will get twinkie motivated to go get laid. touche nah all it really does is destroy his already precious self esteem. twinky, ditch the PUA stuff bro. I mean, try it for fun if ya like, just to SEE you can joke around with girls and they're not going to immediately hate you for it but majestic will tell it's far better to strengthen your self esteem.. or date a fatty. or get a sex change and just s
  18. i think i think the existence of PUA and me having to 'find myself' and all this stuff is just more examples of the extra [male] crap. but it's cool! I'm happy to do it! Let's drop it. I'm not immediately concerned about finding a chic right now. Hurrah to whatever the fuck this all means though. :?
  19. lmao don't be duped. -Xelle has thankfully admitted she gets hit on just for standing and drinking a beer. Do you think she's being "the best her??" It just is what it is mate. - I agree for sanities sake a proper attitude adjustment is required. I do this actually on some level. I've came to this conclsuion over a year ago. It doesn't [emotionally] bother me as much anymore. (I've actually let a couple girls just slip away because I saw they thought the entire courtship should continue to just come to them -- and they weren't near hot enough for that work.) I still go out,
  20. being myself does not fling me pussy. unless a guy's self is chasing pussy, cuz pussy won't chase you (it may lurk). women/nature is a deceitful little bitch. GD I would think chics are easy too if I was 6'2 and built. or even 5 11 and built. I've dated a couple chics. fucked a couple chics. I'm (at times) capable of *sigh* hitting on bitches on the street/campus * (why do women think this is normal.. wtf ) Ya I kind of wish they also did more than just sit there and drink a beer. I'm attracted to people who put themselves out there. By definition that eliminates most women (ste
  21. That's actually pretty accurate as a generalization.. shit has made me cynical as hell. righteous you went ahead and admitted that. Most other girls will do everything but. Will even call me insecure and a woman basher. :] I seem to not have enough ego/possessive qualities/"confidence" to force a ho to be MINE, and me manners get in the way of basically forcing a chic to talk to me (this is called "pimping.") I'm exaggerating a TINY bit but shit, the things men have to do... and the ways I gotta tweak my personality to keep up with "the game," is kinda sick.
  22. old username??

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