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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. Lol grown ass man stating he is getting bullied on the internet. Sent from my HTC One sad right? I agree. You should fucking quit then.
  2. lmfao really? no just your shitty ass. I'm a pretty positive person. I think everyone but my e-bullies would agree.
  3. wasn't she just sitting having lunch while you came up to her??
  4. does it bother anyone else that girls can find dick and relationships at any turn they want? and they don't even work for it? (the dudes come on them). while guys have to go all-out-i-love-you on one chic, and maybe convince her to let her get dicked? one-sided-one-sided. And guys make this one-sided duped contract a competition, and lambaste other dudes for not succeeding. THE. GIRLS. ARE. #WINNING. We are taking all the risk/rejection AND paying for dates lmfao.
  5. well when your steal your ex-mates from guantanamo bay you can't expect quality.
  6. god that's disgusting. tho i do remember beef approved of the FINE THICK ASS big booty black ho I posted long ago. but this girl looks like she's about to poop. not attracted.
  7. I wouldn't worry about it. You're much uglier on the inside.
  8. did someone knock you the fuck out when you tried system wars in real life? #
  9. wtf i thought he was black the whole time. damn bro turn down every once in a while lol I'm not sure even low deserves to get destroyed so routinely oh please. little chimp faggot just had a meltdown and you all still sucking up his balls. stfu and fuck that nigga back once in a while. chimp could die and I would throw a celebration as would his family i bet.
  10. ya I always make sure I get my best meal on my post-workout days... today included but fuck work. What is this glycogen level crap. Does the body only spend an hour replenishing glyco levels or something? are my muscles going to grow 20-30% less effective over the next 2-3 DAYS because of how my 2 hours post work out are spent?? I guess is what I'm asking. I wonder if anyone can answer that one....
  11. btw does it REALLY matter if I can't eat asap? I just got back and can't really get no where for 1.5 hours. at work. what am I losing on right now? is my body eating up my protein already?
  12. I should say 25-35 mins for me. But I like to get in and out AND at my weight/height, I still get great lifting done. and it's better to go than not want to.
  13. just do routine. I literally am at the gym only 15-25 or 30 minutes TOPS. but I go virtually daily except for rest days or a slack day once a week. with the exception of this shitty $10 i just wasted on this fake-protein chinese crap i've had stellar results in just 2 weeks.
  14. lmfao you know Z is still homeless and jobless. well he has that apt. his parents pay for and a $30 a month budget.
  15. Gatoooo. hahaha. we meet again. hahaha. go FUCK yourself. a grown ass man behaving like he's some "cute" little bitch. why am I not surprised Chimp N****r supports this. Hey let's attack posters because we hate our own lives.
  16. you're sad. you are so in love with me. i'm giddy when gato is around? that's called liking someone and not being a bitch-ass online for some kind of e-glory. He hasn't posted for 5+ years ffs, you are never happy.
  17. you're not listening. and I agree. lean body fat on my body goes a long f'ng way. I don't know if I even wanna reach 160 but I know once I do again it'll look great.
  18. that's why you were on system wars, on your phone. watching us argue. your life sounds riveting. so you've responded to this post twice now? seems like you find him pretty riveting daaaw look at you help.
  19. that's why you were on system wars, on your phone. watching us argue. your life sounds riveting.
  20. It's a long story, but I am living proof of his bitch-asserey, and his denial to accept that, and rather instead fuel more fire to his self-hate (which is then projected towards me), is some ironic shit. Meet, new Z. Saltier and runnier than the previous vag.
  21. yeah. he's turned so bitchy lately. He hates me so bad he now hates on you too. #smh
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