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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. you see, even a simple sentence showing the difference between happiness and the pursuit of happiness goes over his head and instead confuses "euphoric drug and sex" as "happy". I'm sure Tom probably asks himself why do philosophy kids read Bertrand Russell and Adorno when there's the great Uncle Tom spreading his untrained, raw wisdom. Go read a book idiot my point of that rant was not "drugs and euphoric sex" -- not surprised you just pick words @ random and draw meaning. your art project sucked shit too till I told you what to fix.
  2. it's a grammar error. the fact you think it's merely spelling tells me a lot.
  3. I'm pretty sure if he had said "african kid's comment" he would be talking about a comment made by an african kid, which isn't what he was trying to say. actually, he was implying that an african kid can make the same statement about me, from his perspective, so no, that would have been a much better way to write it. instead, apparently african kid comment = comment regarding your relative wealth to that of an african. Ya REDE's totally not jock-strapping you to get at me.
  4. it's your god damn grammar, you dumb shit. you don't make sense. for fucks sake than is different than then. and yes, you need to write african kid's comment, because when you say insert "african kid comment" -- it takes on a whole new meaning you clueless twat.
  5. God your English is terrible dude. for someone who likes the sound of his voice, you should fix that. condescendingly kind? your pitiful ass cares more about avoiding your depression than the real lives of others.
  6. instead of kind words Z attacks the dude with Cancer wow.
  7. jimbo's schizo nature is so charming. I wonder which one of him likes me.
  8. I think I found shailmankad. http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/webdr02/2012/11/15/10/enhanced-buzz-1235-1352994064-9.jpg Can't post pictures still rage.
  9. as you chase me around the forums into your empty abyss. go fuck yourself.
  10. no. You don't seem to understand. not surprising because you're pretty stupid.
  11. I think he meant here and my god you named 1/8th of all the W names and think your'e special? you missed so many good ones too. whitman weismen weischester werner wally wayne waldo wendy wtf was the point in naming W names bro?
  12. it disgusts me everytime I load this page, I gotta glance at his disgusting posts. can we get to page 353?
  13. trying to remember if all the girls posted were ugly.
  14. It's really funny how I post once and 4 niggas vaginas bleed on synnchro. Why don't y'all have a book-club and whine more tears about it.
  15. how is that bad? snakey fights for you - it makes sense.
  16. walk off a cliff. who stripped you of your joy? :[ lol Those ****as living like kings compared to your grizzle faced ass. True joy is walking into a bar and being able to converse with chicks not paid to talk to you. let's try this again: walk off a cliff. lmfao. Let's tally the score here. You: Sucked a dick for fun. - good for me. I had balls to test the system. I'm glad I did it. Used to google "how to talk to women" - PUA shit, that everyone and their mother knows about nowadays. Maybe you should google "how to stfu and keep the negetitivity to yourself"
  17. really don't know why the forum doesn't just ban this grown adult. seriously.
  18. not even reading what you wrote. you are such a negative person. go kill yourself.
  19. ^ then we get this sad nigga, who will quote and LMFAO any post against me, to try to make me feel worse than he does. Still not on Chimp's level of sad desperate hate but let's not pretend you're not here to lick some wounds, from some dude you've never met & will never meet online. How much sadder does it get. Guess someone's (definitely not me) happy forum misery is keeping you both from killing yourselves.
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