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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. ^ meanwhile you have 63,461 posts, and they're all like this -- You bully forum strangers during work. Go ask your co-workers to shit on the floor so you have something to do.
  2. walk off a cliff. who stripped you of your joy? :[ lol Those ****as living like kings compared to your grizzle faced ass. True joy is walking into a bar and being able to converse with chicks not paid to talk to you. let's try this again: walk off a cliff.
  3. I need a new avatar. who's got some good gifs small enough?
  4. says the gay mexican child-abuse kid with the penis sheep for an avatar.
  5. lmfao I'm kidding black hand. april fools nigga u da best.
  6. You don't think I enjoy making your pissy ass whine? Takes 6 seconds to make a post.
  7. 2 of them do, and I know which two. & It's better than White Knighting for some lesbian online. Just fuck your fat asian girlfriend bro.
  8. ^ why is she allowed to speak? back in the kitchen please.
  9. you should stop using the ben smiley at the end of your butthurt posts. Defeats all your hard work.
  10. http://vimeo.com/61436950 lmfao. that's awfully perfect. Chimp just stfu & put a patch on your vagina already.
  11. Awfully sad you'd side with that turd in the first place. I've feuded with the kid long before you even registered on the forums so stop trying. And yes, you'd rather suck your attackers cock than stand up for yourself. We already know how spineless your passive ass is, Z. Just log off and make more "art."
  12. I love going down on shaved pussy when its freshly shaven. Going down the day after she shaves is like burying my face into a bunch of mini knives that stab my face. :] Not that it stops me from doing my job though. how did you meet your gf? she's like way hotter than you. Not gonna lie: Through playing Brawl on the Wii with a friend of mine. We were playing at the SLC (place that has video games on campus) and she hopped on to play with us. Nintendo did something good for once, tlhbo. Nintendo Edit: Hey look Chimp's still bleeding -- :w
  13. You need mental help. Who left you this time? You finally realize you're old, miserable and un-loved? I've been telling you this all along..
  14. Chimpy is still crying. jesus fuck you don't rest do you. my last comment must've struck a nerve.
  15. I love going down on shaved pussy when its freshly shaven. Going down the day after she shaves is like burying my face into a bunch of mini knives that stab my face. :] Not that it stops me from doing my job though. how did you meet your gf? she's like way hotter than you.
  16. Y'all obsessed with porn. Are you still 14? This nikkah's abisha (ethiopian). The greatness of my people.
  17. that was beautiful. thanks kokujin nikaa u know it's dat LowTcp dat PSTRIIIPLE.
  18. lmfao this little nigga figures out he has to urinate and thinks he solved something. jesus do you not see how remedial you are?
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