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Posts posted by kokujin

  1. 17 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    he's literally used as an example in the forum's rules describing racism.


    no.........i'm not kidding, click that part above the chatbox that says "Click here to read the rules of Chatbox"


    Guess you forgot to wash your hands, like 10 years ago.


    you used the word house ****** one time, and it wasn't even a joke.


    ghostz is an  immature white kid when it comes to race sometimes, maybe cuz he's tired of not being ale to joke about black stuff, despite liking the whitest rapper alive,


     and that's about it.


    I don't know wht he's really like. I'm not exactly hanging out with anyone here. 

    • Confused 1
  2. 17 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    LOL you're currently so butthurt about me that you entered this thread, and pretended to talk about ghost so that you can actually try and trojan horse a comment about me.


    this says a lot.

    dude you are fucking retarded. I've "talked about ghosts" for 11 yr\s. I'm constantly one of the few and only who entertains his rap and eminem threads. I wrote that first shit with all my sincere heart. niggah.





    you actually thought you were so important I'd commandeer all that, just to talk to you Jeh?



    your confidence grew this year! 

  3. 57 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    I'd assume that is for US only, because I have seen lists where Adele has already tallied like 150 million albums sold worldwide, and like the only people in front of her are like Michael Jackson, Beatles, Elvis, and a couple of other legendary artists.


    It really is pathetic how this guy keeps talking about Eminem like as if anybody here gives a shit.


    i like ghostz. :happysad:  there's an autism joke in there lol. also his whiteness.  but I like ghosz.    :happysad:



    we all have our personalities. for example, you talk in circles and I can't pinpoint if I remember anything spectacular about you. 



    okay that was mean. I sorries. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Literal Nazi Rudolf Hess said:

    I want to learn a new one.. like Chinese or maybe Arabic. Anyone learn a new language in their adulthood? 

    learn chinese bro. I missed out on that boat, because I thought they'd be poor.  We can take over the world. They love white people (used to at least). and now they idolize // think black people are magical but stupid. (I think lol fuck).


    LANGUAGES rock. Tho, if you're not 29 or younger, I fear how good you'll get?




    hah, just "know aboout" Arabic. So you can be a historian. I don't know the benefit of learning a language where the residents speak excellent English already. You get absolutely no advantage. 


    * i started jap at 18. I think I coulda been fluent (still can) if I spent more time there initially.

    I do know kanji and whatnot so I can presume for you, if you picked Chinese...


    if you've ever been the riddallin/adderall type of studier,  it is possible even starting in your early 30s.

    You'd have to funnel some money and spend a whole year there too tho, with some immersive studying (imo).



  5. even better. V's Japanese female voice ain't really much to miss. it's soft, it's helpful, but it's not anywhere near my voice or a voice I wanna mimic, so a 2nd playthrough as male V in JPN import sounds like an even better idea.


    FUCK, I need to figure out who the lead JPN male voice is. I swear i've heard this niggah in an anime or tv show. Someone said it's "kira smething, from something??"


    I wanna hear Dex and some of the other supporting cast voices. I wanna know what they did with the "black voice." Who knows, maybe they found an archetype that fits.  So long as the NPCs and other characters dont' sound like charictures, I think I may import. 


    lol is it fucking noctis dude??  lmfao. 

    edit: fuck this ain't noctic. this is some sexy other shit. who the fuck is the voice. I like how it's not obvious, and has 2-3 tones to it that seem to vocalize at the same time. If that makes sense. 



    Dex in Jap is plain. A little strong voice. Absolutely no changes in his speech/style/grammar or dialect though, actually surprisingly textbook lol wtf.


      yappari, some cultural things are lost. 80% human-ish but 20% caricatures voices in JPN, but that's usually common for their and most media, male V voice is fucking SICK. Hmmm. I'll leave Johnny as a surprise. Feiik.  I think I'm gonna import :D  



  6. Okay swo,


    after you fucking bozoz ruined christmas,


    V's male voice in Japanese is SEEEXEUY. kinda of an airy non obvious hero voice/ which I truly know to appreciate.


    I usually like to play as a chic, but I think I may play as a male if I import it.


    Supporting cast, like I thought it would, are gonna lose their western flair and purpose(ly) ethnic accents.


    Jackie loses his hispanic charm. I am going to look up Dex but wow what they did with the English version. that's def. a "black man," and they made it a point to make him intelligent too (still speaking slang lfmao, but then uses words like Ontolgy).  I don't like it's another black/dark character who's seedy and untrustworthy.  beh eh, we're gonna run out of roles if we keep wanting to have all of us in a positive light AND recognized for our black//skin//culture too etc.  




    I like the first person mode..hated deus ex so I'm still getting a feel for the game. I don't mind it's janky. Honestly some of the menus and shit are a bit too much/overwhelming at first. City looks claustherphobic and I think Imma spend the most of my time sitting and spinning the camera and watchig people talk?? lol wtf. 


    I'm doing sparse missions per day. I still want to import. Getting a feel for it is nice though. Actually the more I play, and the more I understand the premise of the city and it's techonogoy etc. set-up first,the more I see most of this game is also normal enoug-ish dialogue. And acutally allthe cool extra words and sci-fi stuff really stands out in Japanese.. it may even be useful.  



    JPN games and shows tend to make their characters sound like machine cornballs, and they don't use real slice of life human voices and inflections.  This one seems... some random NPCs do sound 80% human and the rest corny. It looks like with V (male side) they went all out. Sounds like an actor, trying to act not a cartoon, but a full-feldged movie.



    I'm torn!  It's $77 to import from play-asia. But I just might. Especially if I decide/realize I like the dialogue, the game itself, and nothing else terrible happens.  I don't see whY I shouldn't just play this version till I get a feel for it, buy the import, keep laying while I wait lol, then I can return this polish trash that Kazi reccomended.




    *Also wish you can literally break teh game and do shit way outta order, but I get the feeling it's all compacted into a leashed "vision of choice" experience.  Lotts of looting random shit tho (I love that actually). the fucking abilities tho??


    holy shit that's gonna take me 2 playthrough to get a solid feel for, and use//abuse to do things the game doesn't expect you to.  (anywas wanna fellafigale on that and say what they experienced?).  Right now, I'm just gonna shoot shit and move on lol. It works, and I'm already feeking overwhelmed.  



    BAHAHA i just figured it out.


    that's fucking gladious from ffxv as jackie isn't it? lol. a lil too straightforward voice iMO. english wins.


    who the fuck is the lead tho? I can totally put my name on that too.. 


    man, I think I'm gonna save hearing Kueno Reeves voice over in Japanese. I gotta imagine that one will lose too, but who knows... 

    • Haha 1
    • Ben 1
  7. 6 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    What's wrong with people who are not straight? 

    when they parade around as you do, masking your shit whatever you're going through, it's hilarious.


    truly never met someone so miserable. I don't think your photo shoots are doing much for you,

    but I'm guessing you got gay bills to catch up working on the weekend.  goodnight faggo. I know you're missing some blanket of safety, to be this much of a lonely prick online. 

  8. literally bully everyone here chimp. I really don't know why society or this forum is scared of you. I would knocked your ass out day 1, stole your shit, wrote your dad a love letter saying "he needs you."   Also you still in that hotel on a saturday working away from your peggy?


    eat my ass. you're clearly a fucking exagerrant mctwat lonely soul, who needs to impress us, or a human being who, even with titties in his face, can't stop coming here. you're unhappy, bro. We all are, we cope in different ways. I tell the truth and spazz out a lot, but I at least have balance and want love. You? Are so incredibly destroyed on the inside you're scared to say "hi" without a front.  fgt. obvious to me. Hopefully obvious to you, and I hope it hurts. 😉Because you deserve all that pain, until you stop taking it out on anyone else. 



  9. chimp was working Saturday, lmfao in a hotel, "in my own room" (breh you wrote that wrong.) with naked women, while in a happy relationship (so where the fuck is she??), who apparently even in this scenario, he wants to imply he gets to touch and develop a relationship with models who wish he was gay and not a creep (rather than ya know, get paid to leave them the fuck alone).


    And , despite all this responsibility and joy, he spent ALL morning till night arguing with me.





    :fella: :youmad: 


    bro you aint' living this down you dirty fucking chimp. I told you hated your life. 

  10. 3 hours ago, jehurey said:


    jeh I'm sure you enjoy being a pizza face status quo. I don't.


    chimp, your ****** ash is setting black people back 200 years, you can thank me for changing the world's perceptions with my smart brilliant ass,


    taking it all the way to Japan.  You BOTH too fucking rimbpuldumbs to think "I want to be an ethnicity." That doesn't even matter. No language belongs to a nation. I'm doing something very passionaite with my time here on earth.  Y'all both just wanan stank shit up. Chimp fix your life, you are widly unhappy and bitter. More than anyone i've seen here.. even lostfools is happier than you've ever been. 

  11. 7 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    Lol, I've been in a downtown hotel shooting naked women in my room all today while you typing cry bible Otaku. 

    dude you're the gay photographher, and you haven't talked to any of them. if you're in a downtown hotel room shooting naked women, you sure ain't being happy about it, to come back here and bleed your unhappy gay heart out.




    And no. You spent all day here. :D carefully not responding for an hour or two when it appears you're too thirsty.  lol naked women came to yur hotel room and you're  on system wars talkig about my long thin or thick dick. Yah you're delusional dude. 


    I thought you were in a relationship with a fake lesbian who loves you. :D  talking abut shooting naked ppl in scenarios they're paid to even come near you.



  12. then you should do it more, and jack off with your remaining free time, cuz you're a miserable cunt here. You don't love shit. it's obvious to me. you're either the dahli lamma v 2 //the only human to figure out how to be happy, or the most miserable coping fgt on earth.  And,... you're #2. Cuz you're fucking retarded and need everything pointed out. 



    lmfao "i love what I do fg"  "i'm so hurt and angry all the time ;("




    can't tell. You're on here 24/7 raging and peeing blood. you hate your life and your self. that's why you can't show a kind bone and need to take that sense of air on others. no one truly likes you, because you are actually a terrible human being with no redeeming qualities. just a facaad of lines and bait and the perfect responses behind a computer. g'night lilttle bitch. I will always know, how much of a BITCH you are, and the fact you've never had the nuts to show yourself here.  :D  keep up the bragalozios fagwtat appearance. you do it for a reason. 

    • Haha 1
  13. Just now, Mr. Impossible said:

    Lol "I know all the words, but still need cyberpunk to teach me" this Trump ass nigga lol. 

    you are beyond retarded. I know you're being a mongrel here. Enjoy your passion-less life without purpose. It's shining well for you. You're a bully on a internet forum with 4 left stranded geeks. Wow you've made quite the name for yourself.


    lfmao by the way chimp tigger, i know you're not trying to attempt a serious conversation, you just want laughs/smilies from others to make yourself feel better,


    but again, if I can learn casually a dozen words from watching a show (by the way, it's 6-7 hours you fucking retard), that is phenomenal. That's what you want. Hell if it was just 5 words that be would be even better, but that means I truly have nothing left to learn. And no, I don't know a single non-japanese native person that can truly understand cyberpunk in a language they picked up. The game barely makes sense in English//I can tellyou gotta play it twice to even figure out what the hell's what. I've spent TIME with bi-lingual japanese kids raised here and in the US. I know where I stand, and I know where I'm headed. so  fucking eat my cock dude. that's all you obviously want.



    all them hits to the head I think you want us to forget you are speaking like you don't know shit about languages. Alice was mainly about everyday life, plus some murder bs and strategy. Cyberpunk is wazoo flipshit that a native japanese speaker IS NOT gonna even say around you.  Please tell me how many langauges you know the word "Abductor conductor" in.



     So yah,  I do know what I'm doing ya fucking mongrel bitch. 


    you'rea  fuckign saint of an idiot. enjoy your next paycheck. it's not making you happy. fgt.


    you don't even learn how to read by the end of year 4, ya big fucking idiot. You have no idea, what the fuck you're on. And how much easier I get paid than you do. 

  14. 2 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    Lol learned 25 words in 10 hours. Sounds about right. 😂


    that means there's not many words left that I have to learn you dipshit.  :D that's a good thing if I can casually enjoy something and pick up a couple dozen more words.



    ffs you are remedial as fuck. and you think a sci-game would be anything but simple. 

    eat my dick off with all that hate and envy, you dumb motherfucker. 

  15. 44 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    :tom::tom:i'm pretty sure he'd be able to figure out how to buy panties from the vending machine just by looking at the pictures. But I guess he wants to do it the proper way.


    wow you're desperate to not be ridiculed. you're sucking chimps lil stub of a penis head?


    lfmao.  yO, i speak better 3rd and 4th language than some of you nimfucks trying to give advice on being fluent in something else. 

  16. lol i've beatin 2-4 games in Japanese. It's been 2 years or 3 max not 20, and, I have learned a lot each time. Learned 25+ words just watching Alice in Borderlands. You're too fucking stupid to get it. :D   this is how language works, creepshit. Unless you live in said country from birth, you gotta play catch up on your own time. And yes actually 20 years is probably how long it would really take for academic fluency like the back of your hand. But you're a fucking root simple pee brain and I know that number scares you. And you think it's 2-4.  keep talking butthurt angry old single man. You're very good at it. 

  17. 2 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    Hey yall, just gonna take 20 years+ to learn remedial Japanese via videogame so I can buy petite condoms for my skinny dick. Lol OK, nigga. 


    lmfao. You are in love with my dick. 





    ②♪フカイを言うんだぞ!けど~・俺はチャラックて軽い、注目だけがほしいかもしれないwって のもあり!


    remedial.  niggah I'm writing contemporary poems in the shit, with 9-12 months of actually being in Japan. You can keep sucking my e-cock though.

    Got plenty of natives who know where my Japanese is. And if it wasn't for covid//relationships here, I coulda forwarded my shit longer, by spending a couple of years there.


    You really have no idea how this works do you. Keep making stickers, ya flip flapping ugly roat. You hate your life, and you wish you had the balls and freedom to do anything than whatever  you're doing there. Cuz if it made you the slightest bit happy, you wouldn't be talking about some dudes dick you've never met, who will pop you in the mouth as soon as you do. 

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