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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. 1. Exactly what we were talking about 2. An opinion, and one that also borrows/relates to the "Straight Edge" view on drugs Do you really need this basic sh*t spelled out for you? Someone tell me why I gotta deal with stupid ass negativity simply because this r-tard can't understand something a 7th grade kid would.
  2. you're an idiot if that made no sense to you. TPH* Mindphaser is a daily toker, and I have no idea why you're taking Barto's non-use of drugs so personally.
  3. jesus christ, arguing with the kid for 10 pages. you only prove his point. as someone who does drugs, more important than avoiding the physical risks, I can definitely see the benefit of no dependency towards substances. The less things you depend on to live in content the better... i think.
  4. If i ever got a tat, it would prolly be some ridiculous full color kingdom hearts collage or some shit. And barto, I didn't say shit about your shitty stripper tatoo, so fuck off. DT, delete that negative response you're about to just send and worry about yourself.
  5. chimp are you ever not hating yourself and the world? Though I guess I would too if I was 32 years old, and lived in a closet all alone ;(
  6. lol you fag cunts always got shit to say. and chimp, the most diva of all.
  7. *Pirrate, was trying to be nice, but you've always been the dirty grungy lookin' black guy of this site, so please don't start.
  8. fixed. Spoiler Just came back from a $3,300 trip, money of my own, so doubt I'm homeless breh.
  9. lol i think Z is right. it was just random. Though I can see where fujsticks is coming from. "They look connected" -- :lol: next pic will have hair on face. me no like clean shave look.
  10. Yeah. Mixed feelings but fun times. Didn't learn that much this round. :[ Jimmy Jimbs, What's with the nipple high pants? :lol:
  11. chimp fuckfuck is the worst. "black is black" bitchplease. no pic to hold proudly to your name, yet you spew so much shit. homie, how ugly are you that you feel that bad? :lol:
  12. no, they don't, and Dirtbag Tampon liquid pampers is the biggest example using the internet to act tough.
  13. DT Pampers wanted you to 'play with his balls,' while he's pickin up hos with his PSP in da club. thought you was a man. I apologize for the creepy attention you have to deal with from that guy.
  14. the guy who digs up more posts than anyone wants to talk about documenting. (big word there for ya fella, ). Chimp
  15. changing the subject. getting personal. insults. http://www.systemwars.com/forums/showthread.php?84623-Posting-in-da-club then two days later claiming "I don't even have it anymore" when confronted by whippit. :lol: *mistake on the artemis thing*
  16. lol says the guy who makes a thread from his PSP at the club, then lies about having one 2 days later -- just to play it cool on an internet forum full of people he doesn't know. the pack of lies.
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