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Posts posted by kokujin

  1. because its too fast for them. oh well, its hell of a lot more fun than tekken and VF

    Wrong. 3 months to learn one character, so you can throw punches from different angles, and then juggle them in the air with the same lame kicks is fun! Tekken puts me to sleep too. There are very few characters who's fighting style actually are intersting.

    I can't believe this went 60 pages - a topic about DOA. :D I do like DOA4 and Ultimate more than Tekken and such because I don't have the time to learn all those moves, and I don't really feel the reward is really there. You take a LONG LONG ASS time to learn it all, and it just doesn't even look too impressive on the screen. And I think DOA does a great job of keeping it interesting for people who finished the lurning curve, and people who want to play along time and really learn the game, handle the fast pace, and really take control against all types of opponents and such. When you watch someone win 16 games in a row, obviously the game also catrs to veterans too. But alas, I am not a "fighing game gamer," but that's probably a good thing because I would develope some super ego that would hinder me to enjoy games that score nearly 9s and offer online competive play.

  2. Ok. Time to re-educate some people. Dead or Alive 2: Ultimate is the same as DOA4 - stop putting it in groups with DOA3. It HAS the 4 way counter system and a lot of things DOA4 has. Characteres have more than 60-100 moves in DOA4. They had 75-120 moves in DOA2: Ultimate. Third, the 4 way counter system is not guessing. If you weren't braindead, or retarded, or I guess a cow who thinks THEIR fighting game is perfect (because that is all this is about), you would know the 4 way counter system works based on how well you know the opponent your playing, and how well you know that character. Also, you have to think about when to use it. Though it does a lot of damage, if you miss, the strike that hits you does slightly more damage as well. If you played the game a little bit like me, you start to recognize certain combo chains and you know the different ways the combos move (when a trip comes, when it will be a high, etc.). But then you also factor in the fact your opponent COULD alter the combo, and it makes it a well balanced "counter-fest." I'd rather have the option to actually defend myself with counters anyways - and it's a hilarious "umph" to the match! I pity people who take this place too seriously to enjoy it. And it's always hilarious when you play nubs who think they can just button mash, and you counter their ass to pieces. Not only are the fights fun to watch, but they are fun to PLAY. C'mon cows, it is a FIGHTING GAME. You are playing it because you like to simulate cool fight scenes, and you love to compete. DOA4 offers that AND it's online and it's a solid title. Anywho, the lemmings understand DoA has faults, but they are tying to say it is still a great fighter, a fun game, and has a lot to offer)

  3. Hmmm. Tekken can have all the technical crap it forces on the player to make it "teh hardcore" like TEH PRESSURE SENSETIVE BUTTONS. WE WILL MAKE YOU PUSH THIS BUTTON DOWN BUT MAYBE KIND OF HOLD THIS OTHER ONE!

    As a FIGHTING game, DOA's FIGHTS look and play a hell of a lot more interesting. Sorry, but sockem rockem robots, who almost look like they're just doing one action at a time - despite all the "deep" crap that goes behind it - just aren't all that entertaining to me.

    As far as button mashing and stage damage, it doesn't take a genius to realize Tekken falls victim to this too. Look at the tourneys Eva posted - the opponent literally loses almost all his life if he gets caught on a wall. Button mashing? I have VERY little experience in Tekken, but I can tell you I've button mashed my way into win streaks against people who have played it for years.

    It's a fighting game. If you enjoy fluid, fast and fun to watch and play fights, DOA is the choice people who aren't trying to have a cock-war over who's fighter is more complicated will choose.

    *But I forgot how pretty DoA's fights were. Someone post more videos. :| I never realized how much more real the fights look in DoA compared to Tekken.

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