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Posts posted by kokujin

  1. Just now, Mr. Impossible said:

    Lmfao didn't you have to wait for your stimulus check to buy Cyberpunk? Is this really a road you want to go down? Lol 

    We can go down it. Whatever money you make and don't, you sign on here madder than Jimbo the bum. So :D


    maybe you need to live life  more on my pace, and learn another language, bucko. I don't like wasting money, and I'm returning this flop and keeping 80% of my stimulus check, unless it goes to booze and weed. 


    broke ass I spent more on gaming than you did, and I hate spending money. niggah tucked his balls in and got hyped for a game for 11 years. Sign off negroe. You're not a gamer. You are a broke goverment cheese rat crawling in some cepid corner of what slum you live in?

  2. you want penis shot of my thick penis too? damn you're salivating. No, I do more than speak it, black faggo. I get paid to speak it. :D


    you live in a rat box with a fake gf who sees you twice a month for proof she's not gay.  that is precisely why you're a piece of shit on here. 

    perhaps if you followed your miserable fuckig heart towards a  hobby, you'd give us peace...oh wow. what  day. you may find some too burtn bitch. 


    when chimp turns 99, his mind will be blown by the fact people can learn other languages, for shits and giggles, and they get rewarded for it too


    It's a language Iwanna be bi-lingual in nerdfuck. If you've ever learned anything in your life, you'd understand what kind of effort that takes. But alas, you make minute maid stickers and work a job and life you physically hate. :D spews over here.   fuck uuuuuuu , you little bitch!! come say that shti with me with fists and no weapons and you'd that ass beat so fast. 

  3. Just now, Mr. Impossible said:

    Just play the fucking game in English and STFU, nigga. You're not even fucking Japanese. 

    hay upset bitter dirt trash nigga. eat my long sclhong dick. I don't now what yu think shit has to do with being an ethnicity, but you got dumbass fgt on your mouth. might wanna wipe that off.  I love how you signed on just to be the same ol piece of self-hatred shit you always are. := * fgt. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, Cooke (not admin cant help said:


    lol it's true. that shit boring. I can handle that one scene from RAMBO, and that's about it. I can fake the rest of my white history.

    It's like if I asked you what your opinion was on a Tyler Mathew Perry movie. I'd expect you to say "yah Ihave no clue what's going on//not my schiet."



  5. terminator is for white people. I've never enjoyed a term film. Probably haven't seen any to completion. and I'm good with that. let 80s hair white boy be a moniker not much longer.. 

  6. play stupid longer fackass. you said NOTHING bout consoles nor imports. your un specefic dumb ass fuck you.   why the fuck would I ask you specific questions about language and interface, if that's not exactly what I"m trying to find out/? your stupid basement dwelling ass been lurking here for decades, and haven't figure out, me, want to play the game in jpn lanauge and text? so I"m not puttin 300+ hours into trash?  Dude you're retarded as fuck mate.  You will be the dumbass I remember for 2021 when I gotta make a purchase and I should "just trust people.s word."    


    and now you're backpedalling like a confused rat. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, kazpunk said:


    you are posting a quote from me from a private conversation you started, that's not very nice without my consent. :kaz:   and yes you can play in japanese.

    Idk why you are upset, at first I thought you are jk but now I can't tell anymore. Idk why I would be banned. :kaz:  I could probably get you banned, but I don't even want you banned. lmfao. 

    revert back and leave me alone with your childish nonsense, you have sum mad issues sometimes, koko :-*


    wow you are like 9 years old. you can play the PC versioin in Japanese. that's it. you dumb lazy twat. allthe console versions are region locked. can't change the interface.


    :"oh but you can play it in japanese dho it's great apparently. so customiable game. just by it koko you're asking too many questions."


    NIGGah. you will be the dumb cheeto infested face of why I won't trust dumb   niglets anymore on my purchases. You're fucking BANAL and had the audacity to tell me to stop being so anal. I should have been.. I wouldn't have wasted so much energy trying to lock down an English version. Kaki faggy kazi, FUCK YOU. YOU FUCKED UP. YOU'RE AN IDIOT, with a shit command of English. I would hate to hear your german.  fgt probably woulda surrendered the war trying to pronounce good morning. fuck you. 

    • Haha 1

    On 2020-12-12 at 7:12 AM, kazpunk said:

    bruh what do ya want to hear? :kaz:


    i play in english and there is this "announcer" type japo voice (some lady) at some areas, like at train station 


    and i walked around in the city at night, rainy streets. and then there is this japo girl talking.


    you can play in japo language too, and its really good apparently



    SATISFIED? you asian cunt licker :kaz: 


    the game owns dude. murdered some asian gang with my cyberkatana and was thinking one of the black dudes was you :aitch: :aitch: :-*


    what are you talking about


    what are you talking about



    what are yu talking about


    No. you fucking can't lol. projekt dipshit thinks we only appreciate anglo-saxian voice options. why the fuck would i buy the game in english and need polish? fuck polish but literally. :|




    matter o fact,, Imma just get you banned. 

    • Haha 1
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