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Posts posted by kokujin

  1. 3 minutes ago, kazpunk said:

    nothing beats the cheapest 3€ vodka at the supermarket :aitch: 

    lol it's probably bad for you. and I think actually at some point, you're getting a cheaper quality high/drunk. I am pretty sure after half a bottle of a traveler (that's metric you toothless german),  of phillips, ain't shit happening but drinking ethanol. I wonder how cookes banana rum chapstick taste like and how it feels in stupor.  I don't like sweet thic shit tho.  


    been a while since I bothered to sit with something nice and observe.  

    • NPC 1
  2. it's not impressive anymore. we knew he could rhyme 20 years ago. I donno. maybe I just don't find rap as impressive no mo, unless it's the first time some new person's out. I'm glad em's still working. I find it weird how he (has talent) but all his albums only invoke a shoulder shrug and exhale outta most folk.  I think in the time that I thought about Eminem, he's now released 2 albums?? he should just retire produce or do something completely different. IMO. 

  3. 8 hours ago, -GD-X said:

    the funny part is that i didn't even delete his stuff :D this nikka so cracked out, he's getting his whites mixed up. 

    you must be on drugs because YOU know the ban history.  Chimp's fucking retarded he has an excuse but you and Ike know I've been banned TWICE in less than a week, over dumb shit that would fly before. and over shit runny pampers does every day here. are you guys seriously fucking scared of him? do you just beg to suck his e-cock for validation? like seriously wtf is it? cool , he's pompous and good at talkig shit. So what? You realize you can create your own reality. Y'all no spine nor backbone. That pos rodent would've been banned ridiculed jimbo treated in my forum long ago.  He knows exactly when to tuck his tail and play nice too.  GD you sad. Ike, *shrugs* dude's easy to make enemies in an attempt to make friends. 

    • NPC 1
  4. 9 hours ago, jehurey said:

    a woman has a floating head with no neck at 6:20


    its definitely going to have bugs.


    it looks like 100% of the time the cars are actually just hovering or gliding. Like, no weight on them. Could be on purpose//that's how futuristic cars are supposed to drive?? or am I just looking at really shat game design on an otherwise complete game

    • NPC 1
  5. as much as  like Japanese shit, this shit's not funny.  Y'all let the rodent chimp run around derailing threads and trolling people, but the second he gets any thing back y'all wanna coddle the baby.   GD has turned into a furher. and Ike's a pup sheitsnickle in training.  Wish y'all luck, but I don't see me supporting this shit much longer.


    More than likely this gets deleted, and I get another ban. But if you're reading this, have fun eating Chimp's fecal matter.  

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