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Posts posted by kokujin

  1. ^ well when you done busy buying teeth over video games, you get your weak smash bros chin out the bargain box little boy and get you get your big hands (ghostz tm) on a big boy controller and game your integrity away."  "Here ya go." *Hands you the biscut 3* "that/s right, three."

  2. 1 minute ago, Substatic said:

    Recreational weed legalized in NJ. Don't even care which of these 2 old fucks wins now :mj:


    New Jersey to legalize marijuana: Voters overwhelmingly pass legal weed ballot question

    You still just high in Jew Jersey though. The World's arm pitts. lol.  :D 

  3. Just now, bhytre said:

    Imagine the whole establishment, media, biased polls, big tech companies and their censorship, pleads from celebrities and the former president to go vote, and a pandemic backing you and it's still so close :hest: 

    Without Covid-19 happening this would already be over and go to Trump, hope some of you clowns finally open your eyes because the media and echo chambers like Reddit have absolutely brainwashed and blinded you.


    he's losing my state.by at least 300k so. I don't know what else you want me to do. the masses/public keeps on voting for what's bad for them. Always been likely or true. 

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