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Posts posted by kokujin

  1. 7 hours ago, Voidler said:

    Ugh DLC, really? They are doing DLC on top of the padding out they already did of like 10% of the game. I was hoping they'd just get straight to work on Part 2


    This shit isn't going to be completed for 30 years

    yeah. Nothing really happened in 7R. One cool kick ass scene on a bridge. that was fake and added. if part 2 is not open world, I don't know what they're doing!!

  2. lamfao lmfao okay okay. tis is a spiritual sequel (ya I said sequel not sucsssor!) to FFXV.  Tho westerny/witcher/elder influence..fine.


    I think tighter combat and lots of improvements will come. I want to see how OPEN the world is. (seeing a lot of tight areas in this but cool).


    man... if there's hunts, and otehr stuff and other stuff new stuff,... if I have fucking $600 laying around I might buy a PS5 for tis  :D  



    bodycount a fan of 15 :-*  :-*  i'm actually re-playing it right now. Hope I don't get sick of warping combat. :D 

  3. you think this gets an xboox release a year later?


    I feel like FF games are like the American election cycle. First they give us JRPGs and belts, and boybands, and we're happy and liberal. But then they gotta throw in diversity, and we gotta go red and get this western shit.  :D


    actually this doesn't seem terrible. I'll warm up to it. if the combat/outdoorsey aspect is anything like FFXV (got wut a beutiful usciosu world. I actually like doing nothing in the game. just leveling up), then no doubt I will like it.  should improve too. 

  4. As I thought, wasted $12 or whatever on disney +。

     Didn't even watch it.  Downloading it now tho. :o so I'll own Mandalorian soon. I should focus on Japanese,

    but someone recc me something else I can get on pirate bay. I feel like watching something for once. Case I don't like star pew. pew.   also I do have netflix but I assume by now the hiatus i took there's more than "just trash" on there. I wanna WATCH SOMETHIN!

  5. you are literally some lesbian girls back up sperm bank and "get my parents to leave me alone, here's a cock I got stuck w/ unfortunately after quarantine.," and you're picking dating fights with twinblade, to make yourself feel better. that your long term relationship that you tried at ripped you hard.  :D  it all :D makes sense now.  40+ year old bully visits special olympics to prove he can run in a straight line. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Twinblade said:

    We've talked on the phone, shes definitely legit. I just think she very low self esteem because shes looking for a relationship and every recent guy shes been with has used her for sex and then dropped her right afterwards. So shes probably worried that im going to do the same thing to her.

    don't be her therapist. you're in for a long haul. even if that was all true.

    what bhxyre wrote is also very possible.  just fuck with her and move on man. 

  7. 17 hours ago, Team 2019 said:

    Green hair dude dyed his hair blonde, then ASKED her if he should keep it green or blonde.  She said green. He dyed it back green.


    I was basically competing with no one, I have never met such a balless simp in my life. California green hair liberal feminist in.... MOSCOW. If you're an American and NOT getting laid in Russia.... somehow. Kill yourself asap. All of SW would be pussy slayers here.



    did she like green. or was it a conscious or sub conscious test?


    the ass grab move. lmfao. k I'll do that again at some point. feeesh.  risk/reward tho for sure. 

  8. 48 minutes ago, ghostz life matters said:

    No we are pretty open and can fuck others if we want. I’ve just lost interest right now I guess.. haven’t been on the hunt for a while. 

    as with anything. Pros and cons.. life is more boring but I don’t necessarily want the excitement 

    fucking all the women was worth it. Lol. The girl I’ve been with we’ve been off and on for 15 years so.. just familiarity I suppose 



    aint that it. nice to know how you *(also) think. Faculties all there. Thanks for sharing, kinda private stuff. 

    fucking rando women, worth it... lol got it. Will remember that/maybe hold out longer. But it's good that you're settled too, and not afraid to?


    Now the real question, how's your weed tolerance and how does one break it?? I counted and I'm almost at 14 years smoking (not always).I take breaks, try not to smoke a lot. when smoking solo.

    Have only done oils 3x (that's right. :smug: ). And haven't even touched edibles yet. wooooo.


    :-* ghosts posts. 

  9. 4 hours ago, ghostz life matters said:

    More women to count over the years, tho I’m basically settled down at this point 


    did you settle down with the one that let you be a man ho and have side bitches (did you allow her to have side men? be honest). ?


    and after "all those women," how or why did you pick one to settle with? Was it about the hottest one, or actually, one you can trust? How's the settled life. in retrospect, is fucking all those random women worth or it or it just a small memory in the back of your mind?  I already know shit's relative, but do you like the settle down life more or miss the past or what?  


    thots thoughts. :-* :coolsmug:

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