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Posts posted by kokujin

  1. i met a kid I played starcraft with all the time 12 years ago. it was hilarious. he thought i was a riot. I went over to his town 3hrs away for the weekend. we did salvia and I was micodosing on acid on the way to his place (he didn't know, then he found this hilarious). Then we became real friends lol. telelele. but usually no.


    I will meet roflpwnz one day.  then I'll meet Chimp to knock his teeth out.  :D 




    • Confused 1
    • Geese 1
  2. 20-19,  1:08 field goal kick against the best team in the NFL.


    wipes the floor with the next best team and Aaaiyn Raahjaaz gets sent home on his magic carpet.


    muhah.  MUHAH.  Still won't do a lot in the post season but it's been funny watching Brady flounder and fish his way through the season. 

  3. 8 hours ago, GeorgeW1000 said:

    I'm not sure if there was a thread like this. I'm not sure why, but I preordered a PS5. I guess I just missed gaming. I would really like to play DMC5 and the new Rachet and Clank, both look pretty fun. 


    How about you? 



  4. 15 hours ago, bhytre said:


    lmao this is one of the best toys I've seen







    Ninty. :bow:


    I wonder how long she actually played tho. And how durable that kart is. something tells me after a month it's turning like trash. But shit that is pretty fucking cool. If they went all out on this thing with sturdy equipment thought out tools to design tracks and such, this would be baller new gaming as fuck.!

  5. I helped a man not get a rape case. Seriously had to lecture a white harping bitch as much as she wants to hang the man based on her stupid ass emotions, she can't. there's no proof and def. not proof beyond a reasonable doubt. I was the first and only one to make that awkward point in the consultation room.  :happysad:




    also the girl in question (molested/felt copt on not raped) really had no business messing with dude. IMO it was her fault anyways, and she was more than fine.  but I did mah dooty. A laymen prolly woulda messed that up. Jury duty is full of idiots broh. I can't believe they just let newbs up in that bitch. 

    • Upvote 2
  6. 7 hours ago, Teh_Diplomat said:

    I think TB was asking if this was an actual photo of an actual flip phone with an emulator running; or, rather it was one of those mockup images that Aza always posts about theoretical split controllers.


    it can run it, as far as I'm conceerned. the phone flips, and you can dl an emulator. do we need more proof?


    it's still old as shit games. hmmmzuzuzu.

  7. On 2020-10-04 at 9:16 PM, Twinblade said:

    I finally finished Aegis Rim




    I want my fucking 40 hours back. I can't believe how absolutely SHIT that ending was. I couldn't be more disappointed right now.


    I was waiting for an info dump that would FINALLY clear up the countless questions that raced through my mind as I played the game, instead the ending throws the worst plot twists that make almost every single event irrelevant.


    The fact that reviewers consider this a good story is laughable honestly. The writers basically threw every sci trope and concept into a blender and then called it a story. Its like their main goal during production was to make everything as bloated and ridiculous as possible.


    There are lots of good movements involving the characters and their relationships with each other and even the combat was satisfying (plus the OST was bad ass). But all that good will the game builds up just gets thrown out the window. It doesn't respect your time or intelligence.


    What a mess...





    lol twin peak got owned so bad lol.  matemadis your guess may be correct. youz in twuuble. 

  8. so like, warriors coming back strong-ish. they picked up another guard tho.. stupid IMO.


    I hope (but they will) Lakers dont' chop up their unit and just keep everyone. no teams ever really do this, but imagine the comreddery (I can't spell this word today) they build.  LA better keep dwight.  honestly only persons I'd trade is Kuz. but keep him. keep 'em all! run it back!!  They better fucking keep Karuso tho. He's a beast.  


  9. Just now, Hot Sauce said:


    LeSean McCoy and LeVeon Bell are two different people and that McCoy signing with the Chiefs was last year. He's on the Bucs now. :ben:

    Go bucs and Brady. I got that right, at least right. :obama:

  10. 4 hours ago, Teh_Diplomat said:

    Aaand I'm already done laughing. :|










    ESPN's Adam Schefter reported Sunday that the back signed a one-year, $4 million contract with the Kansas City Chiefs. He will receive $3 million guaranteed as part of the deal. Kansas City confirmed the agreement Monday.

    LeSean McCoy Signs Reported 1-Year, $4M Contract with ...



    it's a 1 year deal too.  :D  this shit is cheat codes.  Go chiefs I guess. they'll be overlaoded but if they're smart they'd still not completely change up their o line and pass strenght. use him for confusion. he can have his small carries. 

  11. 46 minutes ago, ghostz life matters said:

    Highly paid jobs are competitive and skilled. Warehouse jobs aren’t. They’re unskilled. 

    What you should take from the warehouse job is things they do good, and things they do bad. If you want to stay in warehouse, find a new gig, apply your old knowledge at a new company, show them how to be more efficient. Soon you will be working in the office of that warehouse, and so on and so forth. 

    warehouse jobs aren’t meant to be full time, long term jobs. You should be using that time at the bottom to advance in the future 


    okay that's good individual advice, and I wasn't necessarily looking for wisdom for me or certain people to succeed though.  #1 not everyone is meant to manage, nor is their room for all that success anyways.  Thinking about society and 


    I KNOW


    wherehouse jobs are meant to keep a company afloat and give a lot of unskilled people a free entry level job.  -- check

    I also know how successful Amazon is.  -- so check


    And I know there's thousands hundred thousands that are probably depending on a full time gig @ amazon to feed their family.

    Would it really hurt amazon, nor your little top-dog-man pipe dreams to pay them fucks $2 more per hour?


    i'd wager there's a lot of furrin accent speaking people working @ amazon warehouse or the call center full time trying to support a family though.


    How does the idea of paying people a living wage for unskilled work (you take training there... it's not exactly a fun or easy job either actually..: /),

    how does that destroy the economy or your ability to boss up elsewhere?



    I want to and need to see an argument against it tbh.  I get small mom and pop shops (I can argue that too), but this jeff bezzoz nigga really on the news talking about he can't

    afford it but his unskilled workers are making him an easy fortune each day.   Actually I think his bloodsucker wife should be paying the extra wages of these people and she

    should not have gotten half of what he owns, for sucking his dick. (and probably not being faithful??)- but another story. save that lol.


  12. 2 minutes ago, roflpwnedz said:

    I don't think you can edit much or at all with them. It was $70. But it can be used as a webcam.


    But why not just use a smartphone? The cameras are good these days and you can livestream from em, probably use some kind of youtube editor or editing program on the phone. 

    right.  $70 is way cheaper than I thought (clone tho).


    Yeah I prolly should just get another BETTER phone. for $150-$200 if possible with a good enough camera.  i know that, Note 9 seems to be a good start.


    will dooos. 

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