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Posts posted by kokujin

  1. 12 minutes ago, roflpwnedz said:

    lol nah. but i did research for a cam and ended up getting one of those gopro clones for my friend.





    recently?? can you edit and such on them things, or is it just good quality to upload? how much did he spend?

    I really do (I thinhk and hope) have some ample free time this next month... I should freaking try something creative with all this down corona time. You've heard the first peeps of the dream...   


    go pro. hmmm lol. thanks!

  2. 11 minutes ago, ghostz life matters said:

    My thoughts are don’t work in a Amazon warehouse lol


    true lol. but you don't consider how to solve or make the world better now. You can't help that the wearhoiuse job, or rep service job is some shitty $16 an hour or $17 an hour gig.


    - now[ let's try to ]move things practically


    Bezoz loses 20 billion a year. At most??  Millions of hispanic families and somali families and I barely speak English families with someone working full time @ amazon make a decent living. You have a ladder for folks who do wanna work, need to work, and just don't have the skills yet.  


    Probably less crime less food stamps for sure, less bitching online about being poor. 

    Actually more expenditure and disposable income., guarantee you employees spend way more money back on Amazong. I doubt the economy tanks.  some argue the more the middle class makes above their means, the better anyways.




    And buzzoz, proabably, at best, uses half of his PRIME DAY profits to pay for all this?  Peeps making $20 for amazon now wanna actually listen to everything you have to say on the phone. their english gets better. The stupid spanish ladies can fix a car and remember details. Moral rises.


    C'mon ghosts.  Yur smartass answer of "dont' take shitty job that make man rich," has no utilitarian purpose other than it was funny for 2 seconds.

    Yu kno a bit about business. I am thinking it's probably not that expensive for boozoz to pay his ants a few dollars per hour more. And those ants continue to work hard and bring him a solid profit. Like why not?



    someone tell me why this utopia hasn't worked. it can be a lot more complicated. maybe. 


  3. The PS4 is on... muhaha. i wana play some XV think I found the disc. but I have FF7r still and Ucnhaated. part of me also wants to say fuck it and go  spend money on a game.  :dreamy:  I got 2 weeks to play what I want. then I can purchase something if it's a good month.


    edit 3: the geeking out is over. FFXV must've been played on me ol Xbox 1S. Which means like 350 hrs gone. :D fuuuck.  not sure how I feel about that. I should just copy a friends file maybe? or maybe completely immerse myself in the game again.  



    Also FF7R Chapter 12 boring shit. I don't even wanna do it. If i get to the top of the stairs, i can fight rufus and redmanboy at least.  Maybe I should play Uncharted 1-3. I need gaymes. 





    タークスをなめんなっと or some bullshit lol.  red ruudo is a hilarious charictur / joke. 

  4. shuld Ah, shuld ai, watch another season of NFL? ❤️  I can get a little mo acclimaited and have some real opinions on here.


    I do already have some fan favorites. Imma be on that Bucs Brady regular season + a couple post game(s) record.

    i ain't rootin for Dalvin Cook and the Vikings tho...

  5. 11 hours ago, ChupacabraIII said:


    hi dark zero. or whomever you are. how bad does your pussy walls still hurt, from me apparently destroying it in a beef 7+ years ago?  I don't even remember you dude. please get your sickness off my dick, you leech. you and chimp can go make out with all the negativity. miserable runts.  




    • dead 1
  6. didnt sound mopey. the amount of scrutiny he gets is insanity. he has some points. I suppose old school days, Kobe n them wouldn't admit they "want" their damn respect too. It would have been more subtle.  But I see how much flacko James gets He has to apparently assist, lead, shoot, and hit the buzzer in all his wins.  Skip bayless n us can be a bit wack about that.


    His antics and 6 losses and nice-guy stuff w a killer/winner throne is a bit of a real juxtapose,


     Deserving, an easy target, or not. Congratw on him. He deserves to have 4 rings, for sheer amount of consistent play he's done for 17 years.

  7. 4 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    His post-game speech about "about gettin' a little respect" is really when Lebron looks the most bitchiest.


    Like I understand what he's trying to say, other players have talked about similar things after they've won championships, but Lebron genuinely comes across as mopey in that moment.


    And then they show a Nike commercial afterwards in which they show a recent version of him doing that stupid powder-throwing in the air, which means that he intentionally did it during the bubble so that it could be recorded and used in a future commercial.


    I have no idea what poeple at talking about with "he did it with three teams" like as if that's a special metric to determine greatness.


    Like what if MJ did it with the Bulls in the early 90's, and then he left the Bulls and intentionally hooked up with Hakeem Olajuwon and Clyde Drexler during the middle of the 90's to win a championship, and then he left there and went to Los Angeles or Orlando wherever Shaq was at, and win more championships in the late 90's.


    Like I'm pretty sure MJ could've done that, as well, and just keep on hooking up with new, fresh huge first-round draft picks entering their primes. Is that supposed to be a significant accomplishment?

    I think MJ could have done those things too lol. doing it with 3 teams, eh... I'd say that's kinda cool.


    I don't know what the prime wade and bosh equivelnt would be. Prolly some good old school players.

    AD a bit too injury prone to be compared to Shaq, but it worked out for bron very well this year.  



    I'll have to watch the post game interview. It was 14 minutes so I skipped it yesterday. Mopey?  I wonder if instead he's just not humbly saying he deserves a little more breathing room.  Then again, his fans always saying he's the best before he even had 4 rings is kinda what gets him all this shit.


    As for the chalk stuff, lol, this is when I question your hoops.  He does that every game, it's for traditional/good luck etc. OFC he'll want to do it during the Championship.  Anywho, I'm happy he won his 4th. Feel bad for Jimmy tho. 

  8. I've been looking at vegas odds this series. I would have bet exactly on the 2 games Heat won. yesterday included. I coulda been rich lol.   


    Someone could get VERY RICH tonight if they risk it again and say Heat come back (and they really could... with AD hurt, and players back ).  with AD healthy i don't think Heat win a game 7 tho. 



    edit: it appears tomorrow night's game ain't really worth betting on. only double ya munney if heat win. eh. with a healthy AD, I actually don't think they win. 

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