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Posts posted by kokujin

  1. have a battle royal. the one with the biggest penis gets vegas odds bet advantage, but don't count out the super racist nazi girl. all that resentment.



    why am i entertaining this nonsense?  :|  ?  

  2. ^nitric ---


    I kno i'm tripping. it just made it sound like you are now aware this is 2nd triple double. anywho, Jimmy great. style of play great. 21 point performence preferred weird but now I get it great.


    here's where LBJ fucked up bad.  And further cursed his legacy.


    Now you got a fucking injured AD to try and win game 6 (and vogel is stupid enough to play him), or come back in game 7.


    You literally, figurative'ly and not literally shoulda went all out in game 6 and had to close out,. and he can't. because the dumb fucking idiot wants to "trust his teammates."    Now all his layups  late game were football drives, and he's getting hacked.. he coms down carrying the ball with both hands like a fullback.  where is this man's ingenious fundementals? dribble and get contact, figure it out.



    but that killah juice really shown last night and it cost him the series. Ad hurt halfway through? You see his body language? "Meh... okay. Maybe I'll show 'em."  :smh: fgt Lebwonnothing. I guarantee had that been Kobe, he woulda went killer and knew he's evenly matched with Jimmy's team to win.  "Now I can shut everyone up and win my 4th ring."


    not LBJ tho. Now I can pass to cold ass Danny Green for the final shot, or let KCP score 10 in a quarter to bring me back.  You know many double and triple teams Kobe ROUTINELY broke, to still get his? 


    Y'all say 45% but what's it matter when you have won 5-7 finals, close out games for your team, 2-3 finals without Shaq. Leading scorer.  Can go 0-20 in a half then come bakc and score 30 points like not happened, or hit a game buzzer.  This critiq of bron is real. and that's why yesterday played out the way it did. It may not show up in the stats, but it's why i don't like the dude. 

  3. you had no idea?? he had a 40 point triple double 2 games ago. dude barely takes 3s, waits till the 4th to be aggressive, would rather have 21 points and win the game. not sure where that quote came from nitric, but it kinda pisses me off with the illogic. i ain't jinxin him, but dude's a fighter.  The Finals and series have always been about who wants it more and who can keep poise game to game and stay positive in them postgame interviews. If you've watched enough Kobe and Lakers series you'd know this. I ain't shocked. they have been doing everything possible to pull off the impossible.   fuck u nitric. make more sense like fack off "didnt know jimmy can get a tripple double in the finals, here's a link of the very same finals where he got his 2nd one and I just witnessed the first one 3 days ago."



  4. ok so Kobe Bryant would have taken over that game, and relished at the opportunity to end Me vs. AD MVP talks, at HALFTIME. 


    and seriously. Lebron is Lebron.  So, all this goat shit will never be true. I still put him up with Kobe. Sad effort. 

  5. the art sucks/the art doesn't own/there's problems maign, but i'm also glad some yoshi guy is getting his mainline FF.  I do know ff14 was saved from its ff11 past, and with the expansions came out to be very superb?  I don't like the tradiitional choice in look! (well established). But, I shan't complain. Not every thang has to be a tang. It's good to fuck an okay bitch in between a crazy one. 

  6. 1 hour ago, kazi said:

    hmm the thing is the guy who turned the mmo FF14 around and directed the expansions which had absolutely amazing stories and characters is in charge of FF16. 


    I'm so glad this yoshi guy gets to make his mainline FF game, he and his team truly deserve a shot. 



    also the art owns :wow:  





    pretty sure the story will be about the guy's younger brother (joshua) turning into an eidolon (or awakening whatever) (most probably Ifrit) and something happpens?? and then the main charcter seeks revenge for some reason. 


    I hope the early part is just introduction and you play most of the game when the main char is an adult. the younger version looks like a emo


    is that the same kid? the elf looking girl boy and then the grown skinnier tall dark haired guy with shorter hair??


    yah, the original child looks way too childish. I don't want to play as him at all. fagime shit. 

  7. it looks like final furt 14. I think i even mentioned that.  :D  kaz playing ffxv looks the same. No. there's ramen noodle trucks and 1970s cars in ffxv.


    anyways, I dunno how hype I will be for this (because of the look :D ). I'm sure come rolla round, I might? some of the characters remind me of baltier's bastard uncle from 12 too. stinky. never had an FF with a grat story (:| ).  I mean, personally, ffxv hits you in the pigang at the end. I thought that was a good story lol lmfao. I even liked the crazi off-kilter final dungeon.


    anywho, more FF is always good. I think I will paint FF on my grave.  and yah, screw mario. we said it. 

  8. 3 hours ago, Ike said:

    I hope they keep a lot of the ideas from FFVIIR. The game was legitimately super fun to play and the battle system was the best aspect of the game IMO.


    i need someething new lol. it'll be real time, this looks to seriously have warping and juggles and combos, it looks ffxv-esque enough that it's unique.


    best part of ff7r was the cutscenes  no ffence, but pulling off a 4 person all team blind attack in ffxv, or 2 person, or 3 person, literally cuz the game paid attention to wear everyone is.... I think was a cool neat thing that no one talks about.  Likely because square was dumb and that shit did no spectacular extra damage..but there's this subtle-yet-kick-ass possibility ffxv fighting system left in there.


    i think 7rs combat is flawless but it NEVER had an 'umph' for me at all. Emotionaly, I'd give a B or B+.  Maybe hard mode showed glimpses of cool shit. (the bosses)

  9. 4 hours ago, Voidler said:

    They hired some big shot gameplay designer of DMC and Dragons Dogma

    hmmm. I like the idea of "da whole team" sitting down and figuring out "what does Final Fantasy mean??" and 200 people creating the battle system.


    tho this works 8/10 scale, I feel like just hiring some big shot guy is a cheap cop out.. and will jarr the game a little bit.  it did look different though. 

  10. 15 hours ago, kazi said:


    what ya mean, it looks way better than 15 to me. they both look like typical ff tho? :| 


    i don't see any mercedez bendz or true modern day emo japanese haircutts. you just have no idea. there's also a freaking fat elf face. which is gross. ya, the people who have never been to japan are telling me FF15 didn't actually go out of its way to mimic some real modern day shit, and thinks it looks the same as 16, which is set in medeivil twilight.  :D


    this is gay old school ff14 looking final fantasy again. I think at least, the taller main protag has normal face and body porportions thank god.  everyone else looks like fruitcase ff12. 






    look at the fucking outfits. how the fuck is the same as ffxv??? the game literally tries to be set in a new school era but keeps chocobos.  :???  STOP. BEING. A LITTLE. BITCH.



  11. Just now, Hot Sauce said:


    cool... I thought that Cam would just have to take the loss, and that's just the way the season has to play out.


    not sure how an extra day or two helps.  a game as big as pats vs KC to see how they fair, I wish they should rescheduled the whole thing for competition sake. 

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