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Posts posted by kokujin

  1. ^ :D


    and now we have the opposite, white ass jehurey trying his superficial best to sound badass black real whatever. ain't this a bitch. what a world.



    I imagine MJ said something along the lines of all I care about is winning or championships., many times in his career. He should also have at least fucking 6 MVPs. 



    After being snubbbed for nearly a decade, and a lot of people actually conflated on what the MVP stipulations are, (knowing the valuable argument), and should we change it to a system where the best player wins, I think it's actually high time for LEBRON to mention it. He didn't tweet it himself. It was a response to a question. 


    your shit about suckig dick doesn't really make me want to take you seriously. so here's your olive branch, fgt. 

  2. 5 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    No, I specifically remember LeBron answering a question about the MVP award, and he basically says that everybody knows that he is always the best player year after year, but that the award is given to other people because of "narrative" driven reasons.


    So.........to return back to my original point. I remain adamant that I am correct in saying he HAS BEEN cocking an attitude lately.


    I think you are wrong to dispute me on that.

    he says that every year.  and it's true, and discussed in the media and that's NBA dynamics.



    taking shit is "at the end of the day I make millions and ya'll sittin at home."  talking shit is getting salty of draymons comments.  dismissing the fact he gets shunned out of MVP every year unless there's a narrative or story line, while he  makes it to the finals and his mvp opponent is actually eliminated by him year by year is just making a point. He's been extra humble and locked since playoffs started. Particularly somewhere game 2 of rockets and such.  you're a dweeb. 


  3. Just now, jehurey said:

    how did cam get it?


    And he better give an eloquent, articulate answer to Belicheck, or its his ass.:viktor:

    you're the one that said he's been cocking an attitude. which is wrong, because actually he's been making an effort to be a little exemplary than he usually is. It's a little bit superficial and he's trying and it's obvious to anyone who understands everything about where he's coming from. you're a dumb twat. You weren't even right about the trash talking. 


    btw Cam Newton also deals with your white peoples say talk nice like dis or should I not bullshit. 

  4. 40 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    he was articulate there for a second, and then he talked all ghetto and shit and lost my respect.:viktor:

    we can argue about race and politics and NBA players actually making some effort to retrain and  rearticulate themselves with all the media they do, and all the boolshit you white people have put them and us through, if you wanna be ignorant and take it there.  Bruh you have not paid attention to this shit like I have. :D not even close.  But I don't think they want that here.


    keep thinking you had a relevant hot take. it was way the fuck off. Lebron has been hella locked in and actually extra professional 'switch' since the play offs started even when addressed by the media. He is leading and locked in on and off the court. You can argue he doesn't need to, [appease] but part of that has been making some effort to speak gracefully, from whatever standards norms he came into the league from.  I am not condescending him, nor anyone for how they speak. They are a product of their environment (and oppression and segregation) . and ebonics isn't actually any less intelligent, it's short form just as complex. people can have a 130 emotional and mental IQ, even if they don't or haven't learned all the frivolous and privileged words to express themselves by what society deems necessary. I don't need to know how to say 'happy' 11 different ways, but because I can, was privelaged to be in a docile enough environment to learn that crap in school, some euro asshat may think I'm intelligent or wahtever, but that speaks NOTHING to what's going on on the insides of a man or person. You can see the intelligent expressiveness inside the eyes of a lot of people, even if the words that come out aren't something some snot nosed white kid who lived speaking European may say. And the verbal language is more simplified or may betray your expectations, but if you can pay attention to the inner-thoughts behind the person, I will find, and some will find, there's definetly a lot more going on. 


    Just may have not have the right words to show off. 



    Again, you're not gonna win this argument, and James has not been talking shit at all. we will argue later pizza face. I'll sweep you.

  5. 2 hours ago, kazi said:

    these games can be great at story telling but the gameplay loop can be annoying. figuring out how to proceed and solving problems is the fun part but avoiding monsters etc can turn into a lame wait game.


    you should play Soma, it has a "you cannot die" mode and I'm sure you will love the story. this is for you koko, defo, it will challenge your superior intellect :mj: 

    a challenge of my intellect? I must download this. I haven't been challenged in a while.



    :|      jp. I think I played a clickity clickity game before. their limbs are not attached.   :scared:    if there's a game like this, on the PSN, I can download/purchase one next month.

    don't have a decent enough PC to run squat.  Somo huh.  I mean, I have the uncharted collection like 7 feet away from me. Could play that?

  6. 7 hours ago, jehurey said:

    Oh, he's been polite and "eloquent"????


    Next thing you'll tell me is that he's "quite articulate" for a black man.


    People like you make me sick.:martin:

    dude go eat a dick bag of dirt. I've been black for 34 years and been watching Lebron for 11+. and I pay attention.


    He has gotten more articulate to appease you white people,  and this [especially playoff] year he is actually answering questions with verbose tact and NO ego, some questions not even truly answered (that's the shit you'd realize if you had half an English brain birdo). transformation  as of like literally 2-3 weeks ago.




      A few years ago, or even miami days or GSW he talked trash back and was emotionally affected by the series.  Go fuck yourself.  I know alot more about race and lebron and articulation vs style of speech than you do.


    Lebron has not talked any trash since the play offs. He has be exemplary.  the FIRST time i heard him talk smack to the media is 2-3 days ago  when he said "he can do anything on the court" in some out of context interview.


    You're a fucking idiot.  When we argue about Pizza Faces, I'll lead to you. This ain't your fight. Bitch ass.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Delita said:

    they should just lose one intentionally like they've done all throughout the playoffs to win at "home" (their fans in the stands)







    that's some cocky ridonculousness.  I missed the 2nd half.  I am not impressed with the Kobe wearing shit cuz they've worn them when they had an easy game as far as momentum is concerned. Now if they just kept wearing them at this point and swept?  Sure.

  8. 6 hours ago, jehurey said:



    I will say that LeBron has been cocking an attitude lately in his post-game press conferences.


    no. not at all.  I've noticed "the change," and lol



    he's actually been very polite eloquent and formal professional reflective and very dissatched from ego actually. you haven't paid attention for shit. but welcome newb. He's very locked in, and he's getting better with his words. as a "black kid from akron ohio" he's just doing his best off the court too and being a good role model. 

  9. On 2020-09-01 at 11:26 PM, roflpwnedz said:

    I've never listened to it cause it's always been popping up on my youtube home page for years. And I'm a rebel and stuff and too cool for it you know

    fucking rebell!! maaan!!




    I listened to it.  :(



    but just a few minutes I swear!! Look at this spot on my bicep that i'm going to get a tatoo on.  :(

  10. Just now, kazi said:

    shut up, faqgget. and play the game, you will like it. :kisses:  

    again, it's like mankind is allergic to just telling the truth.


    My day is okay. thanks for asking. It's funny you just can't language kindness.  dont' worry, you're expeiencing a very natural phenomenon 

    • Sad 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Ike said:

    Play FFIX, it’s the better PS1 FF game. Or just play FFVI, and play the best game in the series. 

    i hope they never remake ff9. cuz it's like, the perfect classic picture book.  well placed.  that and FFX and even FFXV for me. don't like cyberpunk. (ffxv is kinda cyperpunk_).


  12. thanks for substance your posts are usually insults or just hat garbage. when I said whacky, i'm not using it as an insult, but you gotta admit kitaad pointed out a lot of whacky shit in just 2 hours of gameplay.  


    Also, even in FF7R when you are in the Shinra building with NO disguise lmfao, no one ever fucking notices you're there till you get to the top? :D  lol breh I been her elike 6 hours and 2 hours in your fight sim machine. Where's the resistance? 

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