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Posts posted by kokujin

  1. not gonna happen cuz the weirdoz spent the money on getting their schnizle taken off or they killed themselves. fucking faggots just want attention. I respect GAY or BI men more. You're furry. And you like dick. Own it. 

  2. 11 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

    it's friday, so i'll post a safe race/ethnic joke


    A Mexican, a black, and a white guy are in a bar having a drink when a good-looking girl comes up to them and says "whoever can say liver and cheese in a sentence can have me". So the white guy says "I love liver and cheese." she says "that's not good enough." The black says "I hate liver and cheese", and she says "that's not creative", and then the Mexican says "liver alone cheese mine."


    that's cheesy as fuck. daawww. the poor mesishishkababican sounds so cute. 



  3. you're looking at western drawn Japanese anime about asian-western rock, and you don't think that's uhh, esoteric?  or weird? ok. I guess that genre is common. Are you talking about Japanese? what is "that shit," that is also stereotypical?  point was, I like many things, and I'm not trying to be a white dude...    by studying Japanese. If that's where you're going inspector fgt. 

  4. Just now, kazi 0 said:

    nigga, you only like that shit cuz it makes you look like a white dude :deadsuge:


    I like that shit because it's exotic interesting and laid back hair chill dude bruh is cross ethnic. get lost. excuse me I feign the exotic weird shit, cuz I'm not afraid of how dumb society judges the things my geek my interests? lol. we both eat pork. 


    I like rap too, btw. And can freestyle. go fuck yourself. 

    • Haha 2
  5. I talked to a chicie, convinced her in 2 days to have snapchat jack off and cum on the phone as she plays w her pussy n tits and has 4x orgasms sex.  It was nasty. LOL :D  but there's a lot of technology, that I don't think me and your nephews are using the same.  the thing is a whore-conversation video pic sending deleting hammock of device.  

    • NPC 1
  6. 3 hours ago, JonbX said:

    If you dont care about resolution ( like the cows and sheep ) the series s will be outputting MUCH higher than switch and higher than most PS4 pro games. 

    this is the same GPU that's supposed to play and run all NEXT gen (albiet at 1440p max)??  You believe that?


    If so, $299 is shaaaang impressive for a next gen console. That's some Gamecube thankin.  I bet you're excited. 

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