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Posts posted by kokujin

  1. ^I don’t know what Karen’s you guys are responding to in PMs, but I notice no difference without politics threads. it's traffic, and @ the end of the day,, I feel like... I can click on threads I like? Anywho, I guess I dont notice a negative without too, so, keep it as is. Maybe subcosnciously we all talk about gaming more this way? I've never visited the politics board since it moved. 

  2. yup. I shared that story. Doesn't make me gay and didn't change my life, and I was bold enough to not give a fuck for 5 seconds? Out of all the seconds I'll be living? Good for you.  looks like I struck a nerve unrecogonziable dick-leech. 

  3. 8 hours ago, ChupacabraIII said:

    How can you be black but still sound so forced when you speak that way?


    it's supposed to sound ridiculous. I'm not forcing ebonics on myself. I'm not in high school anymore. And you're not even the crowd I'd use it on anyways. You have no idea what black is, or how black I really am. 

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