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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. Mia Myami niggas proving they can and will play with a lead in the 1st and 2nd Quarter. Crawford knocking down corner threes. Jimmy Buckets can play when he wants, niggah. ?
  2. I'm still looking for a PS5 resume/catalogue of games. someone please make one for my eyes and mind.
  3. NINTENDO @kazi i already kno nigga niggah post of the year.
  4. was just barely high n buzzing. I be like thats. Niggah. the more ridiculous something, the more entertaining I find it.
  5. Thy do not comment on the physical incarnation Roots of thee. Especially with none of their own. As wild as I believe that’s a guitar pic or giant Mohawk.
  6. ^ you are so racist. cast back your NFL watchage and you may have a chance.
  7. logic sheeple rule #2329209. You're doing well. I could've sworn you were gonna see the light at "Xbox gamepass is a success and M$ is brilliant," but you ate that brainwash up like mai auntie eat up a G string. Ol' wobbly ass; prelly been in dher since thanksgiving.
  8. this isn't a parody people. he's serious. jenb lives a satire. He has no idea what I just said about him.
  9. Hopped and skipped around a little bit, but i'm on Episode 4 now. I think that counts, as starting. It's a strange series such far. I'm finding out more as I go along, as it's meant to be. I see where the hype came from. I'm definitely interested.
  10. I got through the first ep.. of The Mandalorian. Okay. So he just changes his mind and becomes a softy one day? Man these green babies have emotions feelings power? Like Force??
  11. thank god the version they're buying actually has a starving of "games" left over. By the time the real circus shows up, "games" for MS will be enscribed in man caves of a "once" that was. Virgins will be telling their great great grankids the time Halo could be touched and felt-- he can't finish the story. BISCUTS, where twice as big as that thing on that saucer. --- xbawks documentary 2021
  12. not sure if your intent, but it says there it can be just a lot of people accidently rebuying the current Xbox systems. Because, well, lol, why would you want an Xbox now?
  13. Tony don't get no rebounds. Tony a G and a Gooard. Ya hurd? Throw me that ugly shot.
  14. I totally thought this was gonna be a concise list of PS5 games, maybe exclusives, for me to steal a peak at. LOL
  15. GJ chicken nuggets. You beat the 2 best teams in the NBA. And everyone still thinks you're complete underdogs. Imagine the smackdown if the Nuggets BEAT LA in a game 4.
  16. I was gonna give them (the nuggets) yesterday. Give them this. The Lakers need to respect how hard it is going to be.
  17. devils advocate here. Getting their ass beat right now. Barely won game 2. Should La La land be more awake for this? SKUUUIIIIPPPP.
  18. your creeds reluctance to join the BLM gang has caused enough conteversary that *white people stock went down and, they, I'm guessing the ALM Klan decided they only had enough pull for 1 white rapper for this racial fiscal year. MGK just subbing for the team. He's still an (obnoxious) white rapper.
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