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Posts posted by kokujin

  1. On 2020-09-21 at 4:49 PM, Remij said:

    Oh, you mean like all the other games I called coming to PC... you fucking idiot :cosby2: 


    Bloodborne is coming along just fine. 


    How about this... if Bloodborne isn't announced within 6 months... I'm permed.  If it IS... then you're demodded.


    How about that? :wonder: 


    win win



  2. thank god the version they're buying actually has a starving of "games" left over. By the time the real circus shows up, "games" for MS will be enscribed in man caves of a "once" that was.  Virgins will be telling their great great grankids the time Halo could be touched and felt-- he can't finish the story.  BISCUTS, where twice as big as that thing on that saucer.     


     --- xbawks documentary 2021

  3. your creeds reluctance to join the BLM gang has caused enough conteversary that *white people stock went down and, they, I'm guessing the ALM Klan decided they only had enough pull for 1 white rapper for this racial fiscal year.  MGK just subbing for the team. He's still an (obnoxious) white rapper. 

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