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Posts posted by kokujin

  1. 15 minutes ago, Cooke (not admin cant help said:

    It would be hilarious if people were listening to WAP in 2220

    i'm gremlin chimp has any idiolts or ties up/gags someone convinces them, I'm sure his super evolved great great x4 grandchildren with their epitome of chimp IQs will be listening to WAP in 2220.  "Yu yu yu.. don't get the full picture! She's talking about her wet ass pussay!"  

  2. 11 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    damn, i'm hoping the Nuggs have a breakthrough.

    103 101 2.1 seconds left. snuck in EFFECTIVELY just on natural relapses. With a tip in and no time to respond. This team is 99.999% mind fucks. It's funny to think of HOW they're winning these games. They're not taking more than a game away however. 

  3. okay that's just not fair. they played a PERFECT game. snuck in with just 2.1 seconds later.  That shot tho :D  If I was the gods, I would have gave that to Denver, but hay, you gotta guard Anthony at the 3 too to be perfect. I wish they did. 

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