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Posts posted by kokujin

  1. PUT IN DWIGHT. TAKE OUT AD. You see how HUNGRY Javale came out? Everyone else is rightfully bored. trust me if Vogel figures this out, he'd be dangerous. His second unit can more scramble this up with Lebron and Rondo leading. 

  2. 9 hours ago, Casual said:

    Mario 64 is just so damn good. Camera issues aside the game is just a blast to play, everything else still feels as precise as ever. It’s incredible this came out in 1996. Going back through these worlds is great, I haven’t played the game in quite a while, up to 39 stars now...probably go for 120. Crazy how big these worlds felt back in the day considering how tiny most of them are. They sure made the most of what they had though, the worlds changing somewhat depending on the stars you chose is a nice trick. Even levels I kinda disliked back in the day are a blast to play through again. 

    Makes me disappointed for what we got with Odyssey tbh. I still gotta get around to replaying Galaxy but I don’t think there’s another 3D Mario that should be mentioned in the same sentence as 64. 



    super mario rpg stole me heart. Something strangly satisfying in getting far in that game. 

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