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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. Lmffao i rep you on barely beating games. I lose you on 2 of them being NFS. ive probably only beat 3-6 games since 2016. Averaging 2 a year now. But I’m playing long rpgs. Ffxv ff7, 80 hrs into dq11. Ff13, ff13-2, ff13LR. I’d say that’s a good 2 years for me. I had 340 hrs in ffxv :)). And will get to 200hrs into even the short ff7r.
  2. I think of R kelly when I write fiesta rather than fruit peddling brown beige people. I guess I still have my black card.
  3. I re did chapters 1 2 and now on 3 in ff7 remake. a little replay.
  4. gotta add taking damage when standing under rubble though.
  5. lol just take... 6 hours off the forum there, slick.
  6. looks like I'm the only one thus far that gave you a serious response too. lol. mod me for a second so I can ban someone. in thanks.
  7. but she tells you that you're her favorite, right?
  8. James do you think you are autistic or have any mental disabilities? Okay wait now I feel bad. but the first part was a serious question. Clean dog. Looks like he doesn't wanna kiss ya tho.
  9. btw, I have been veery dosh on N word lately.l I didn't even realize the forum actually is hankering down on any racist jokes. Interesting I guess.
  10. and with that, ghostz gets to race bait for another 2 months. He's just betting his hedges. I agree with you. But I question if everyone or a majority also agrees with you. I hope so. Iroincally bell curve 85 IQ for ethiopia, maan, the ethiopian-americans I know here wipe the floor with most their colleagues even if english was their second langauge. Usually excelling at math and English. I have a couple (2nd? 3rd?) cousins that made it into Yale. My Dad has his Masters and my mom.
  11. oooh. you win. I was gonna kudos you as more funny than me (but I can be spazzy funny), and Hot Sauce too.
  12. maybe they didn't soak in all the adventure, what being squarepants and all.
  13. I like this thread.-- fuck gaming. I think you're forcing the "but when the western artist is really good, they're better" stuff. On average Jap draweers are much more talented. 20% of the population can draw your future, and they're just like, regular people.
  14. I'm listening now. This ain't bad actually. Has a lot going on. Kinda eerie and woao woeeee though, I guess you are sad that your father is getting older? oh ew the middle part starts sounding like radio head and tool, stop that. I like the chorus riff. (the tune you start with). I notice like 1/10 of the times some mistakes. But that's cool because half of that just gives it more of an "alive" feel. I like the mood and tune. Whoa that deep descent vibe is actually cool. I'm sure that was produced? I would personally find some dir
  15. like walrus gay. I think your father will never wanna celebrate fathers day again.
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